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Commander Masters

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#Nom VoNom VfEditionRaretéRachatVOVF
#1144 Emblem Ajani Steadfast Emblème Ajani l'inébranlable Commander Masters C   
#1145 Emblem Chandra, Awakened Inferno Emblème Chandra, fournaise éveillée Commander Masters C   
#1146 Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance Emblème Chandra, torche de la défiance Commander Masters C   
#1118 Emblem Daretti, Scrap Savant Emblème Daretti, savant ferrailleur Commander Masters C   
#1147 Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion Emblème Elspeth, championne du Soleil Commander Masters C   
#1148 Emblem Narset of the Ancient Way Emblème Narset des traditions Commander Masters C   
#1119 Emblem Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath Emblème Ob Nixilis du Sombre Serment Commander Masters C   
#1120 Emblem Teferi, Temporal Archmage Emblème Téfeiri, archimage temporel Commander Masters C   
#1123 Manifest Manifestation Commander Masters C   
#1117 The Monarch Le monarque Commander Masters C   
#1116 Token - City's Blessing Jeton - Agrément de la cité Commander Masters C   
#1121 Token - Copy Jeton - Copie Commander Masters C   
#1122 Token - Copy Jeton - Copie Commander Masters C   
#1124 Token - Sliver Jeton - Slivoïde Commander Masters C   
#7 Ainok Bond-Kin Frère d'armes aïnok Commander Masters C   
#813 Ajani Steadfast Ajani l'inébranlable Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#8 Alharu, Solemn Ritualist Alharu, ritualiste solennel Commander Masters U   
#622 All That Glitters Tout ce qui brille Commander Masters C   
#9 All That Glitters Tout ce qui brille Commander Masters C0.50 € Augmentation
#455 Alms Collector Collecteur de charité Commander Masters R   
#10 Alms Collector Collecteur de charité Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#11 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit Anafenza, esprit de l'arbre-parent Commander Masters U   
#12 Ancestral Blade Lame ancestrale Commander Masters C   
#456 Angelic Field Marshal Générale de campagne angélique Commander Masters R1.50 €
#13 Angelic Field Marshal Générale de campagne angélique Commander Masters R   
#814 Archon of Sun's Grace Archonte de la grâce solaire Commander Masters R   
#457 Avacyn, Angel of Hope Avacyn, ange de l'espoir Commander Masters M   
#14 Avacyn, Angel of Hope Avacyn, ange de l'espoir Commander Masters M30.00 € Augmentation
#15 Baird, Steward of Argive Baird, intendant d'Argive Commander Masters U   
#458 Balan, Wandering Knight Balan, chevalière errante Commander Masters R   
#16 Balan, Wandering Knight Balan, chevalière errante Commander Masters R   
#719 Battle at the Helvault Combat au Helgruft Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#17 Battle Screech Piaillement de bataille Commander Masters C   
#815 Bonescythe Sliver Slivoïde ossefaux Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#753 Boon of the Spirit Realm Faveur du royaume des esprits Commander Masters R   
#720 Boon of the Spirit Realm Faveur du royaume des esprits Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#18 Cartographer's Hawk Faucon de cartographe Commander Masters U   
#816 Cast Out Proscription Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#817 Cleansing Nova Nova purificatrice Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#818 Constricting Sliver Slivoïde constricteur Commander Masters U0.75 €
#19 Custodi Squire Écuyère des Custodi Commander Masters C   
#20 Danitha Capashen, Paragon Danitha Capashen, parangon Commander Masters U   
#623 Darksteel Mutation Mutation de sombracier Commander Masters U   
#21 Darksteel Mutation Mutation de sombracier Commander Masters U   
#819 Deploy the Gatewatch Déploiement des Sentinelles Commander Masters M   
#474 Don du forge-acier Steelshaper's Gift Commander Masters R   
#22 Elite Scaleguard Garde d'écaille d'élite Commander Masters U   
#820 Elspeth, Sun's Champion Elspeth, championne du Soleil Commander Masters M2.00 € Augmentation
#821 Felidar Retreat Refuge félidar Commander Masters R0.75 €
#23 Fencing Ace As de l'escrime Commander Masters U   
#692 Flawless Maneuver Manœuvre irréprochable Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#24 Flawless Maneuver Manœuvre irréprochable Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#459 Flawless Maneuver Manœuvre irréprochable Commander Masters R   
#721 Gatewatch Beacon Flambeau des Sentinelles Commander Masters R   
#754 Gatewatch Beacon Flambeau des Sentinelles Commander Masters R   
#25 Gavony Silversmith Orfèvre de Gavonie Commander Masters C   
#624 Generous Gift Cadeau généreux Commander Masters C   
#26 Generous Gift Cadeau généreux Commander Masters C   
#822 Gideon Jura Gideon Jura Commander Masters M0.10 €
#27 Grand Abolisher Grand abolisseur Commander Masters R6.50 € Augmentation
#625 Grand Abolisher Grand abolisseur Commander Masters R6.50 € Augmentation
#460 Grand Abolisher Grand abolisseur Commander Masters R   
#823 Grasp of Fate Emprise du destin Commander Masters R0.30 € Augmentation
#824 Grateful Apparition Apparition reconnaissante Commander Masters U   
#825 Harsh Mercy Cruelle miséricorde Commander Masters R0.30 € Augmentation
#28 Heavenly Blademaster Maîtresse d'épée céleste Commander Masters R   
#461 Heavenly Blademaster Maîtresse d'épée céleste Commander Masters R   
#826 Heliod, God of the Sun Héliode, dieu du Soleil Commander Masters M1.50 € Augmentation
#29 Heliod, Sun-Crowned Héliode, Souverain du soleil Commander Masters M12.50 € Augmentation
#462 Heliod, Sun-Crowned Héliode, Souverain du soleil Commander Masters M   
#30 Herald of the Host Héraut de la milice Commander Masters U   
#31 Intangible Virtue Vertu intangible Commander Masters U   
#32 Jazal Goldmane Jazal Crinièredor Commander Masters R   
#463 Jazal Goldmane Jazal Crinièredor Commander Masters R   
#33 Keleth, Sunmane Familiar Keleth, familier à la crinière solaire Commander Masters U   
#34 Kemba, Kha Regent Kemba, kha régente Commander Masters U   
#671 Kemba, Kha Regent Kemba, kha régente Commander Masters U   
#35 Kirtar's Wrath Colère selon Kirtar Commander Masters U   
#36 Knighted Myr Myr adoubé Commander Masters C   
#464 Land Tax Contribution foncière Commander Masters M   
#37 Land Tax Contribution foncière Commander Masters M13.00 € Augmentation
#38 Losheel, Clockwork Scholar Losheel, érudite en mécanique Commander Masters U   
#827 Love Song of Night and Day Nuit et Jour la chanson de leur amour Commander Masters U   
#465 Loyal Retainers Serviteurs loyaux Commander Masters M   
#39 Loyal Retainers Serviteurs loyaux Commander Masters M   
#40 Loyal Unicorn Licorne loyale Commander Masters U   
#41 Mace of the Valiant Masse du valeureux Commander Masters U   
#42 Mangara, the Diplomat Mangara, le diplomate Commander Masters R   
#466 Mangara, the Diplomat Mangara, le diplomate Commander Masters R   
#828 Mesa Enchantress Enchanteresse de la Mesa Commander Masters R   
#43 Ministrant of Obligation Ministre d'obligation Commander Masters C   
#44 Myrsmith Forgeronne de myrs Commander Masters C   
#45 Nahiri, the Lithomancer Nahiri, la lithomancienne Commander Masters R   
#467 Nahiri, the Lithomancer Nahiri, la lithomancienne Commander Masters R   
#830 Oath of Gideon Serment de Gideon Commander Masters R   
#46 Odric, Master Tactician Odric, maître tacticien Commander Masters R   
#468 Odric, Master Tactician Odric, maître tacticien Commander Masters R   
#831 Omen of the Sun Augure du soleil Commander Masters C   
#722 Onakke Oathkeeper Gardefoi onakke Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#755 Onakke Oathkeeper Gardefoi onakke Commander Masters R   
#723 Ondu Spiritdancer Danseuse d'esprit du Ondou Commander Masters R8.50 € Augmentation
#756 Ondu Spiritdancer Danseuse d'esprit du Ondou Commander Masters R   
#832 Oreskos Explorer Exploratrice d'Oreskos Commander Masters U   
#47 Palace Jailer Gardien de prison du palais Commander Masters U   
#48 Palace Sentinels Sentinelles du palais Commander Masters C   
#49 Path to Exile Chemin vers l'exil Commander Masters U1.00 €
#626 Path to Exile Chemin vers l'exil Commander Masters U   
#50 Pianna, Nomad Captain Pianna, capitaine des nomades Commander Masters U   
#833 Promise of Loyalty Promesse de fidélité Commander Masters R   
#51 Puresteel Paladin Paladin de puracier Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#469 Puresteel Paladin Paladin de puracier Commander Masters R   
#627 Puresteel Paladin Paladin de puracier Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#757 Regal Sliver Slivoïde royal Commander Masters R   
#724 Regal Sliver Slivoïde royal Commander Masters R   
#52 Return to Dust Rendre à la poussière Commander Masters U   
#628 Return to Dust Rendre à la poussière Commander Masters U   
#53 Righteous Confluence Confluence vertueuse Commander Masters R   
#470 Righteous Confluence Confluence vertueuse Commander Masters R   
#834 Semester's End Fin de semestre Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#835 Sentinel Sliver Slivoïde sentinelle Commander Masters C0.30 € Augmentation
#54 Sephara, Sky's Blade Séphara, lame du ciel Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#471 Sephara, Sky's Blade Séphara, lame du ciel Commander Masters R   
#472 Sevinne's Reclamation Réappropriation de Sevinne Commander Masters R   
#55 Sevinne's Reclamation Réappropriation de Sevinne Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#56 Shelter Abri Commander Masters C   
#836 Sigil of the Empty Throne Sigille du trône vacant Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#837 Sinew Sliver Slivoïde ligamenteux Commander Masters C   
#473 Smothering Tithe Dîme étouffante Commander Masters M   
#57 Smothering Tithe Dîme étouffante Commander Masters M12.50 € Augmentation
#693 Smothering Tithe Dîme étouffante Commander Masters M12.50 € Augmentation
#58 Spectral Grasp Emprise spectrale Commander Masters C   
#838 Spirited Companion Compagnon fougueux Commander Masters C0.05 € Augmentation
#839 Starfield Mystic Mystique du champ d'étoiles Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#840 Starfield of Nyx Champ d'étoiles de Nyx Commander Masters M3.50 € Augmentation
#629 Steelshaper's Gift Don du forge-acier Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#59 Steelshaper's Gift Don du forge-acier Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#60 Sublime Exhalation Expiration sublime Commander Masters R   
#475 Sublime Exhalation Expiration sublime Commander Masters R   
#61 Sunblade Angel Ange lamesoleil Commander Masters C   
#62 Sunspear Shikari Shikari lancesoleil Commander Masters C   
#63 Supply Runners Ravitailleurs Commander Masters C   
#64 Swift Response Réponse expéditive Commander Masters C   
#841 Swords to Plowshares Retour au pays Commander Masters U1.00 € Augmentation
#65 Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle Teshar, apôtre de l'Ancêtre Commander Masters U   
#725 Teyo, Geometric Tactician Teyo, tacticien géométrique Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#843 The Wanderer La Vagabonde Commander Masters U   
#66 Thraben Inspector Inspectrice de Thraben Commander Masters C   
#1125 Token - Angel Jeton - Ange Commander Masters C   
#1126 Token - Avacyn Jeton - Avacyn Commander Masters C   
#1071 Token - Bird Jeton - Oiseau Commander Masters C   
#1072 Token - Cat Jeton - Chat Commander Masters C   
#1127 Token - Cat Beast Jeton - Chat et Bête Commander Masters C   
#1128 Token - Cleric Jeton - Clerc Commander Masters C   
#1073 Token - Human Soldier Jeton - Humain et Soldat Commander Masters C   
#1129 Token - Human Warrior Jeton - Humain et Guerrier Commander Masters C   
#1074 Token - Knight Jeton - Chevalier Commander Masters C   
#1130 Token - Kor Ally Jeton - Kor et Allié Commander Masters C   
#1075 Token - Kor Soldier Jeton - Kor et Soldat Commander Masters C   
#1131 Token - Ox Jeton - Bovidé Commander Masters C   
#1132 Token - Pegasus Jeton - Pégase Commander Masters C   
#1076 Token - Soldier Jeton - Soldat Commander Masters C   
#1077 Token - Spirit Jeton - Esprit Commander Masters C   
#1133 Token - Wall Jeton - Mur Commander Masters C   
#67 Unbounded Potential Potentiel illimité Commander Masters C   
#842 Urza's Ruinous Blast Salve désastreuse d'Urza Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#476 Wakening Sun's Avatar Avatar du Soleil levant Commander Masters R0.50 €
#68 Wakening Sun's Avatar Avatar du Soleil levant Commander Masters R0.50 €
#69 Wanderer's Strike Frappe de la Vagabonde Commander Masters C   
#70 Wrath of God Colère de Dieu Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#477 Wrath of God Colère de Dieu Commander Masters R3.00 €
#71 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn Zetalpa, Aube primordiale Commander Masters R   
#478 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn Zetalpa, Aube primordiale Commander Masters R   
#72 Aether Gale Bourrasque d'Éther Commander Masters U   
#479 Aminatou's Augury Augure d'Aminatou Commander Masters R   
#73 Aminatou's Augury Augure d'Aminatou Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#672 Azami, Lady of Scrolls Azami, dame des parchemins Commander Masters R   
#74 Azami, Lady of Scrolls Azami, dame des parchemins Commander Masters R   
#480 Azami, Lady of Scrolls Azami, dame des parchemins Commander Masters R   
#75 Body Double Doublure Commander Masters U   
#76 Braids, Conjurer Adept Nattes, experte en conjuration Commander Masters R   
#481 Braids, Conjurer Adept Nattes, experte en conjuration Commander Masters R   
#482 Bribery Subornation Commander Masters M   
#77 Bribery Subornation Commander Masters M7.50 €
#78 Brinelin, the Moon Kraken Brinelin, le kraken lunaire Commander Masters U   
#79 Capture of Jingzhou Prise de Jingzhou Commander Masters M   
#483 Capture of Jingzhou Prise de Jingzhou Commander Masters M   
#80 Commandeer Réquisition Commander Masters R   
#484 Commandeer Réquisition Commander Masters R6.00 €
#81 Counterspell Contresort Commander Masters C1.50 € Augmentation
#630 Counterspell Contresort Commander Masters C2.00 € Augmentation
#82 Coveted Peacock Paon convoité Commander Masters U   
#83 Cryptic Serpent Serpent cryptique Commander Masters C   
#485 Cyclonic Rift Faille cyclonique Commander Masters R   
#84 Cyclonic Rift Faille cyclonique Commander Masters R17.00 € Augmentation
#486 Day's Undoing Anéantissement du jour Commander Masters R   
#85 Day's Undoing Anéantissement du jour Commander Masters R   
#86 Deep Analysis Analyse en profondeur Commander Masters C   
#844 Deepglow Skate Raie bioluminescente Commander Masters R1.25 € Augmentation
#87 Deranged Assistant Assistant dément Commander Masters C   
#845 Diffusion Sliver Slivoïde de diffusion Commander Masters U0.50 € Augmentation
#846 Distant Melody Mélodie lointaine Commander Masters C   
#88 Efficient Construction Construction efficace Commander Masters U   
#487 Evacuation Évacuation Commander Masters R   
#89 Evacuation Évacuation Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#90 Exclude Exclusion Commander Masters C   
#91 Fact or Fiction Fait ou fiction Commander Masters U   
#631 Fact or Fiction Fait ou fiction Commander Masters U   
#488 Faerie Artisans Artisans færies Commander Masters R   
#92 Faerie Artisans Artisans færies Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#93 Fall from Favor Perdre les bonnes grâces Commander Masters C   
#94 Fierce Guardianship Tutelle féroce Commander Masters R22.00 € Augmentation
#694 Fierce Guardianship Tutelle féroce Commander Masters R22.00 € Augmentation
#489 Fierce Guardianship Tutelle féroce Commander Masters R   
#95 Filigree Attendant Suivant de filigrane Commander Masters C   
#847 Flux Channeler Canaliseuse de flux Commander Masters U   
#848 Fog Bank Banc de brouillard Commander Masters U   
#632 Frantic Search Recherche effrénée Commander Masters C   
#96 Frantic Search Recherche effrénée Commander Masters C   
#849 Galerider Sliver Slivoïde des bourrasques Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#97 Ghost of Ramirez DePietro Fantôme de Ramirez DePietro Commander Masters U   
#98 Ghostly Flicker Éclipse fantomale Commander Masters C   
#99 Goliath Sphinx Sphinx goliath Commander Masters C   
#100 Inga Rune-Eyes Inga Œil-de-rune Commander Masters U   
#850 Jace Beleren Jace Beleren Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#851 Jace, Architect of Thought Jace, architecte des pensées Commander Masters M0.10 € Augmentation
#852 Jace, Mirror Mage Jace, mage du miroir Commander Masters M   
#101 Kaho, Minamo Historian Kaho, historienne de Minamo Commander Masters U   
#102 Looter il-Kor Détrousseur il-Kor Commander Masters C   
#490 Lorthos, the Tidemaker Lorthos, le Faiseur de marées Commander Masters R   
#103 Lorthos, the Tidemaker Lorthos, le Faiseur de marées Commander Masters R   
#104 Loyal Drake Drakôn loyal Commander Masters U   
#491 Minds Aglow Brillance des esprits Commander Masters R   
#105 Minds Aglow Brillance des esprits Commander Masters R   
#106 Murder of Crows Volée de corneilles Commander Masters U   
#107 Murmuring Mystic Mystique bruissant Commander Masters C   
#108 Mystic Confluence Confluence mystique Commander Masters R   
#492 Mystic Confluence Confluence mystique Commander Masters R   
#853 Narset, Parter of Veils Narset, déchireuse des voiles Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#854 Oath of Jace Serment de Jace Commander Masters R   
#109 Padeem, Consul of Innovation Padeem, consul de l'innovation Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#633 Personal Tutor Précepteur particulier Commander Masters R   
#493 Personal Tutor Précepteur particulier Commander Masters R   
#110 Personal Tutor Précepteur particulier Commander Masters R   
#111 Phyrexian Ingester Ingurgitateur phyrexian Commander Masters U   
#112 Portal Mage Mage du portail Commander Masters U   
#634 Reality Shift Bouleversement de réalité Commander Masters U   
#113 Reality Shift Bouleversement de réalité Commander Masters U0.50 € Augmentation
#114 Renowned Weaponsmith Forgeur d'armes réputé Commander Masters C   
#115 Resculpt Resculpter Commander Masters C   
#116 Reverse Engineer Rétro-ingénieur Commander Masters C   
#117 Rise from the Tides Émergence des vagues Commander Masters U   
#118 Sai, Master Thopterist Sai, maître mécanoptériste Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#494 Sai, Master Thopterist Sai, maître mécanoptériste Commander Masters R   
#855 Shifting Sliver Slivoïde changeant Commander Masters U0.50 €
#119 Shipwreck Dowser Sourcier des épaves Commander Masters C   
#856 Spark Double Doublure d'étincelles Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#726 Sparkshaper Visionary Visionnaire forge-étincelle Commander Masters R0.30 € Augmentation
#758 Sparkshaper Visionary Visionnaire forge-étincelle Commander Masters R   
#635 Spellseeker Chercheur de sort Commander Masters M12.00 € Augmentation
#120 Spellseeker Chercheur de sort Commander Masters M12.00 € Augmentation
#495 Spellseeker Chercheur de sort Commander Masters M   
#121 Stitcher Geralf Geralf, raccommodeur Commander Masters R   
#496 Stitcher Geralf Geralf, raccommodeur Commander Masters R0.05 €
#497 Stormsurge Kraken Kraken déferlorage Commander Masters R   
#122 Stormsurge Kraken Kraken déferlorage Commander Masters R   
#498 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu Sun Quan, seigneur de Wu Commander Masters M   
#123 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu Sun Quan, seigneur de Wu Commander Masters M   
#857 Synapse Sliver Slivoïde synaptique Commander Masters R0.50 €
#124 Talrand, Sky Summoner Talrand, invocateur céleste Commander Masters R0.10 €
#673 Talrand, Sky Summoner Talrand, invocateur céleste Commander Masters R   
#499 Talrand, Sky Summoner Talrand, invocateur céleste Commander Masters R   
#727 Taunting Sliver Slivoïde moqueur Commander Masters R1.50 €
#759 Taunting Sliver Slivoïde moqueur Commander Masters R   
#500 Teferi, Temporal Archmage Téfeiri, archimage temporel Commander Masters R   
#125 Teferi, Temporal Archmage Téfeiri, archimage temporel Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#126 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive Tetsuko Umezawa, fugitive Commander Masters U   
#858 Thrummingbird Colipervier Commander Masters U   
#127 Thryx, the Sudden Storm Thryx, la Tempête soudaine Commander Masters U   
#760 Titan of Littjara Titan de Littjara Commander Masters R   
#728 Titan of Littjara Titan de Littjara Commander Masters R6.00 € Augmentation
#1078 Token - Bird Illusion Jeton - Oiseau et Illusion Commander Masters C   
#1079 Token - Drake Jeton - Drakôn Commander Masters C   
#1080 Token - Zombie Jeton - Zombie Commander Masters C   
#128 Torrential Gearhulk Carcasse mécanique torrentielle Commander Masters R   
#501 Torrential Gearhulk Carcasse mécanique torrentielle Commander Masters R   
#129 Tromokratis Tromokratis Commander Masters U   
#130 Urza, Lord High Artificer Urza, seigneur grand-artificier Commander Masters M8.00 € Augmentation
#502 Urza, Lord High Artificer Urza, seigneur grand-artificier Commander Masters M   
#674 Urza, Lord High Artificer Urza, seigneur grand-artificier Commander Masters M8.00 €
#1060 Urza, Lord High Artificer Urza, seigneur grand-artificier Commander Masters M   
#131 Vizier of Tumbling Sands Vizir de la chute du sable Commander Masters C   
#729 Vronos, Masked Inquisitor Vronos, inquisiteur masqué Commander Masters R4.00 € Augmentation
#132 Whirler Rogue Gredine à voltigeurs Commander Masters U   
#133 Windcaller Aven Avemain meneur de vent Commander Masters C   
#859 Windfall Aubaine Commander Masters U2.50 € Augmentation
#134 Windrider Wizard Sorcier des vents Commander Masters C   
#860 Winged Sliver Slivoïde ailé Commander Masters C0.30 € Augmentation
#135 Witching Well Puits des sorcières Commander Masters C   
#136 Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp Zahid, djinn de la lampe Commander Masters U   
#503 Archfiend of Despair Archifielleux du désespoir Commander Masters M   
#137 Archfiend of Despair Archifielleux du désespoir Commander Masters M12.00 € Augmentation
#138 Bastion of Remembrance Bastion du souvenir Commander Masters U   
#636 Bloodchief Ascension Ascension du chef de sang Commander Masters R6.00 € Augmentation
#504 Bloodchief Ascension Ascension du chef de sang Commander Masters R   
#139 Bloodchief Ascension Ascension du chef de sang Commander Masters R6.00 € Augmentation
#140 Cabal Patriarch Patriarche de la Coterie Commander Masters U   
#761 Cacophony Unleashed Cacophonie déchaînée Commander Masters R   
#730 Cacophony Unleashed Cacophonie déchaînée Commander Masters R   
#141 Cadaver Imp Diablotin des cadavres Commander Masters C   
#142 Carrier Thrall Serviteur propagateur Commander Masters C   
#143 Carrion Grub Larve charognarde Commander Masters C   
#505 Chainer, Dementia Master Chaînes, maître des démences Commander Masters R   
#144 Chainer, Dementia Master Chaînes, maître des démences Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#861 Clot Sliver Slivoïde coagulé Commander Masters C0.05 € Augmentation
#145 Corpse Augur Augure des cadavres Commander Masters U   
#862 Crippling Fear Peur paralysante Commander Masters R0.30 € Augmentation
#863 Crypt Sliver Slivoïde des cryptes Commander Masters C0.30 € Augmentation
#864 Cunning Rhetoric Rhétorique rusée Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#506 Curtains' Call Grand numéro Commander Masters R   
#146 Curtains' Call Grand numéro Commander Masters R   
#695 Deadly Rollick Ripaille mortelle Commander Masters R13.00 € Augmentation
#507 Deadly Rollick Ripaille mortelle Commander Masters R   
#147 Deadly Rollick Ripaille mortelle Commander Masters R13.00 € Augmentation
#148 Decree of Pain Décret de souffrance Commander Masters R0.50 €
#508 Decree of Pain Décret de souffrance Commander Masters R   
#762 Demon of Fate's Design Démon de l'œuvre du destin Commander Masters R   
#731 Demon of Fate's Design Démon de l'œuvre du destin Commander Masters R   
#149 Demon's Disciple Disciple du démon Commander Masters C   
#696 Demonic Tutor Précepteur diabolique Commander Masters M30.00 € Augmentation
#509 Demonic Tutor Précepteur diabolique Commander Masters M   
#150 Demonic Tutor Précepteur diabolique Commander Masters M16.00 € Augmentation
#510 Demonlord Belzenlok Seigneur démon Belzenlok Commander Masters R   
#151 Demonlord Belzenlok Seigneur démon Belzenlok Commander Masters R   
#865 Doomwake Giant Géant au sillage funeste Commander Masters R   
#152 Dread Drone Drone de l'effroi Commander Masters C   
#637 Dread Return Retour de l'effroi Commander Masters C   
#153 Dread Return Retour de l'effroi Commander Masters C   
#866 Dreadhorde Invasion Invasion de la Horde de l'effroi Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#154 Drown in Sorrow Chagrin accablant Commander Masters C   
#155 Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder Endrek Sahr, maître reproducteur Commander Masters R   
#511 Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder Endrek Sahr, maître reproducteur Commander Masters R   
#868 Erebos, Bleak-Hearted Érébos, Cœur lugubre Commander Masters M1.50 € Augmentation
#638 Exsanguinate Exsanguination Commander Masters U   
#156 Exsanguinate Exsanguination Commander Masters U   
#157 Extinguish All Hope Détruire toute espérance Commander Masters U   
#158 Feast of Succession Festin de succession Commander Masters U   
#159 Feed the Swarm Nourrir l'essaim Commander Masters C0.05 € Augmentation
#160 Final Parting Dernière séparation Commander Masters U   
#512 Ghoulcaller Gisa Gisa, meneuse de goule Commander Masters R   
#161 Ghoulcaller Gisa Gisa, meneuse de goule Commander Masters R   
#732 Ghoulish Impetus Impetus morbide Commander Masters R4.50 € Augmentation
#763 Ghoulish Impetus Impetus morbide Commander Masters R   
#162 Gonti, Lord of Luxury Gonti, seigneur de l'opulence Commander Masters U   
#163 Goremand Gourmet d'entrailles Commander Masters U   
#164 Gorex, the Tombshell Gorex, la carapace-tombe Commander Masters U   
#513 Grave Pact Pacte de la tombe Commander Masters M   
#165 Grave Pact Pacte de la tombe Commander Masters M9.00 € Augmentation
#639 Grave Pact Pacte de la tombe Commander Masters M11.00 € Augmentation
#166 Heartless Act Acte cruel Commander Masters U   
#514 Imp's Mischief Malice selon le diablotin Commander Masters R   
#167 Imp's Mischief Malice selon le diablotin Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#168 Isareth the Awakener Isareth l'éveilleuse Commander Masters U   
#640 Kindred Dominance Domination de congénères Commander Masters R3.00 €
#515 Kindred Dominance Domination de congénères Commander Masters R   
#169 Kindred Dominance Domination de congénères Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#764 Lazotep Sliver Slivoïde de lazotèpe Commander Masters R   
#733 Lazotep Sliver Slivoïde de lazotèpe Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#170 Legion Vanguard Avant-garde de la légion Commander Masters C   
#171 Lotleth Giant Géant de Lotleth Commander Masters C   
#172 Loyal Subordinate Sous-fifre loyal Commander Masters U   
#516 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Mikaeus, le maudit Commander Masters M   
#675 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Mikaeus, le maudit Commander Masters M13.00 € Augmentation
#1061 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Mikaeus, le maudit Commander Masters M   
#173 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Mikaeus, le maudit Commander Masters M8.00 € Augmentation
#869 Mindwrack Harpy Harpie de tourmental Commander Masters C   
#174 Mire Triton Tritonne des fondrières Commander Masters C   
#175 Nadier's Nightblade Lamenuit de Nadier Commander Masters C   
#641 Nadier's Nightblade Lamenuit de Nadier Commander Masters C   
#517 Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath Ob Nixilis du Sombre Serment Commander Masters R   
#176 Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath Ob Nixilis du Sombre Serment Commander Masters R   
#518 Ogre Slumlord Seigneur ogre de quartier insalubre Commander Masters R   
#177 Ogre Slumlord Seigneur ogre de quartier insalubre Commander Masters R   
#178 Phyrexian Gargantua Gargantua phyrexian Commander Masters C   
#179 Priest of the Blood Rite Prêtre du sacre du sang Commander Masters U   
#180 Rankle, Master of Pranks Turlupin, Maître farceur Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#519 Rankle, Master of Pranks Turlupin, Maître farceur Commander Masters R   
#520 Razaketh, the Foulblooded Razaketh au sang immonde Commander Masters M   
#181 Razaketh, the Foulblooded Razaketh au sang immonde Commander Masters M7.50 € Augmentation
#182 Read the Bones Lire dans les os Commander Masters C   
#183 Reassembling Skeleton Squelette réassemblable Commander Masters U   
#184 Rune-Scarred Demon Démon scarifié de runes Commander Masters R4.00 € Augmentation
#521 Rune-Scarred Demon Démon scarifié de runes Commander Masters R   
#185 Serrated Scorpion Scorpion barbelé Commander Masters C   
#676 Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker Shirei, pourvoyeur de Shizo Commander Masters U   
#186 Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker Shirei, pourvoyeur de Shizo Commander Masters U   
#522 Sower of Discord Semeur de discorde Commander Masters R2.00 €
#187 Sower of Discord Semeur de discorde Commander Masters R1.50 €
#188 Supernatural Stamina Vigueur surnaturelle Commander Masters C   
#870 Syphon Sliver Slivoïde aspireur Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#189 Taborax, Hope's Demise Taborax, tueur de l'espoir Commander Masters U   
#867 The Eldest Reborn La Renaissance de l'aîné Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#190 Thorn of the Black Rose Épine de la Rose Noire Commander Masters C   
#1081 Token - Assassin Jeton - Assassin Commander Masters C   
#1082 Token - Demon Jeton - Démon Commander Masters C   
#1084 Token - Phyrexian Germ Jeton - Rat Commander Masters C   
#1083 Token - Phyrexian Germ Jeton - Phyrexian et Germe Commander Masters C   
#1134 Token - Sliver Army Jeton - Slivoïde et Armée Commander Masters C   
#1085 Token - Thrull Jeton - Srâne Commander Masters C   
#1086 Token - Zombie Jeton - Zombie Commander Masters C   
#1135 Token - Zombie Army Jeton - Zombie et Armée Commander Masters C   
#523 Toxic Deluge Déluge toxique Commander Masters R   
#191 Toxic Deluge Déluge toxique Commander Masters R6.00 €
#192 Tragic Slip Fatale glissade Commander Masters C0.10 € Augmentation
#524 Twilight Prophet Prophétesse du crépuscule Commander Masters M   
#193 Twilight Prophet Prophétesse du crépuscule Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#194 Twisted Abomination Abomination perverse Commander Masters C   
#195 Victimize Brimades Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#196 Vindictive Lich Liche vindicative Commander Masters R   
#525 Vindictive Lich Liche vindicative Commander Masters R0.50 €
#526 Wake the Dead Éveil des morts Commander Masters R   
#197 Wake the Dead Éveil des morts Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#198 Whisper, Blood Liturgist Murmure, liturgiste de sang Commander Masters U   
#199 Witch's Cauldron Chaudron d'envoûteuse Commander Masters C   
#527 Wretched Confluence Confluence misérable Commander Masters R   
#200 Wretched Confluence Confluence misérable Commander Masters R   
#201 Yahenni, Undying Partisan Yahenni, partisan immortel Commander Masters U   
#202 Yargle, Glutton of Urborg Yargle, glouton d'Urborg Commander Masters U   
#203 Abrade Fissuration Commander Masters C   
#204 Anax, Hardened in the Forge Anax, endurci dans les Forges Commander Masters U   
#205 Ashling the Pilgrim Cendreline la pèlerine Commander Masters R   
#528 Ashling the Pilgrim Cendreline la pèlerine Commander Masters R   
#206 Avatar of Slaughter Avatar du massacre Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#529 Avatar of Slaughter Avatar du massacre Commander Masters R   
#207 Balefire Dragon Dragon du bûcher Commander Masters M14.00 € Augmentation
#697 Balefire Dragon Dragon du bûcher Commander Masters M14.00 € Augmentation
#530 Balefire Dragon Dragon du bûcher Commander Masters M12.00 €
#871 Blade Sliver Slivoïde aiguisé Commander Masters U   
#872 Blasphemous Act Acte blasphématoire Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#208 Blood Aspirant Aspirant de sang Commander Masters C   
#873 Blur Sliver Slivoïde flou Commander Masters C   
#874 Bonesplitter Sliver Slivoïde scinde-os Commander Masters C   
#734 Capricious Sliver Slivoïde capricieux Commander Masters R0.50 €
#765 Capricious Sliver Slivoïde capricieux Commander Masters R   
#209 Captain Ripley Vance Capitaine Ripley Vance Commander Masters U   
#210 Champion of the Flame Champion de la Flamme Commander Masters C   
#875 Chandra, Awakened Inferno Chandra, fournaise éveillée Commander Masters M1.50 € Augmentation
#735 Chandra, Legacy of Fire Chandra, héritage de feu Commander Masters R   
#876 Chandra, Torch of Defiance Chandra, torche de la défiance Commander Masters M3.00 € Augmentation
#877 Cleaving Sliver Slivoïde tranchant Commander Masters C   
#211 Crimson Fleet Commodore Commodore de la Flotte pourpre Commander Masters C   
#212 Cyclops Electromancer Électromancien cyclope Commander Masters C   
#213 Daretti, Scrap Savant Daretti, savant ferrailleur Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#531 Daretti, Scrap Savant Daretti, savant ferrailleur Commander Masters R   
#532 Deflecting Swat Claque déflectrice Commander Masters R   
#698 Deflecting Swat Claque déflectrice Commander Masters R14.00 € Augmentation
#214 Deflecting Swat Claque déflectrice Commander Masters R14.00 € Augmentation
#736 Descendants' Fury Fureur des descendants Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#766 Descendants' Fury Fureur des descendants Commander Masters R   
#533 Disrupt Decorum Bouleversement des convenances Commander Masters R   
#215 Disrupt Decorum Bouleversement des convenances Commander Masters R   
#1067 Disrupt Decorum Bouleversement des convenances Commander Masters R   
#216 Divergent Transformations Transformations divergentes Commander Masters R   
#534 Divergent Transformations Transformations divergentes Commander Masters R   
#217 Dragon Fodder Chair à dragon Commander Masters C   
#218 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames Drakuseth, gueule de flammes Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#535 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames Drakuseth, gueule de flammes Commander Masters R   
#219 Dwarven Hammer Marteau nain Commander Masters C   
#220 Faithless Looting Pillage sans foi Commander Masters C   
#642 Faithless Looting Pillage sans foi Commander Masters C0.10 € Augmentation
#221 Fiendlash Fiellefouet Commander Masters U   
#222 Fiery Confluence Confluence ardente Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#536 Fiery Confluence Confluence ardente Commander Masters R   
#223 Fists of Flame Fists of Flame Commander Masters C   
#224 Frontier Warmonger Belliciste des frontières Commander Masters U   
#225 Furious Rise Ascension furieuse Commander Masters U   
#226 Gargadon Gargadon Commander Masters C   
#227 Godo, Bandit Warlord Godo, seigneur de guerre bandit Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#537 Godo, Bandit Warlord Godo, seigneur de guerre bandit Commander Masters R   
#677 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Grenzo, fauteur de ravages Commander Masters R   
#538 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Grenzo, fauteur de ravages Commander Masters R   
#228 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Grenzo, fauteur de ravages Commander Masters R1.50 €
#767 Guff Rewrites History Calembredaine réécrit l'histoire Commander Masters R   
#737 Guff Rewrites History Calembredaine réécrit l'histoire Commander Masters R   
#229 Guttersnipe Gobelin des rues Commander Masters C   
#230 Havoc Jester Bouffon ravageur Commander Masters C   
#539 Heartless Hidetsugu Hidetsugu le malfaisant Commander Masters R   
#231 Heartless Hidetsugu Hidetsugu le malfaisant Commander Masters R   
#540 Hellkite Charger Batailleur escouflenfer Commander Masters R   
#232 Hellkite Charger Batailleur escouflenfer Commander Masters R   
#233 Hoarding Dragon Dragon entasseur Commander Masters U   
#878 Hollowhead Sliver Slivoïde à tête creuse Commander Masters U   
#234 Impulsive Pilferer Chapardeur impulsif Commander Masters C   
#235 Inferno Titan Titan de la fournaise Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#541 Inferno Titan Titan de la fournaise Commander Masters R   
#236 Insurrection Insurrection Commander Masters M4.00 € Augmentation
#542 Insurrection Insurrection Commander Masters M   
#699 Insurrection Insurrection Commander Masters M   
#738 Jaya's Phoenix Phénix de Jaya Commander Masters R0.50 €
#768 Jaya's Phoenix Phénix de Jaya Commander Masters R   
#237 Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs Kazuul, Tyran des Falaises Commander Masters U   
#543 Krenko, Mob Boss Krenko le caïd Commander Masters R2.50 €
#238 Krenko, Mob Boss Krenko le caïd Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#239 Living Lightning Éclair vivant Commander Masters C   
#240 Loyal Apprentice Apprentie loyale Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#544 Magus of the Wheel Mage de la Roue Commander Masters R   
#241 Magus of the Wheel Mage de la Roue Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#643 Magus of the Wheel Mage de la Roue Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#242 Makeshift Munitions Munitions improvisées Commander Masters C   
#243 Meteoric Mace Masse d'arme météoritique Commander Masters U   
#678 Neheb, the Eternal Neheb, l'Éternel Commander Masters M   
#1062 Neheb, the Eternal Neheb, l'Éternel Commander Masters M   
#545 Neheb, the Eternal Neheb, l'Éternel Commander Masters M   
#244 Neheb, the Eternal Neheb, l'Éternel Commander Masters M2.00 € Augmentation
#546 Nesting Dragon Dragonne nidifiante Commander Masters R   
#245 Nesting Dragon Dragonne nidifiante Commander Masters R1.00 €
#547 Purphoros, God of the Forge Purphoros, dieu des Forges Commander Masters M   
#246 Purphoros, God of the Forge Purphoros, dieu des Forges Commander Masters M13.00 € Augmentation
#247 Rakka Mar Rakka Mar Commander Masters U   
#248 Rapacious Dragon Dragon insatiable Commander Masters C   
#249 Rapacious One Lui-qui-est-avide Commander Masters C   
#250 Ravaging Blaze Brasier dévastateur Commander Masters U   
#879 Repeated Reverberation Rayonnement répétitif Commander Masters R   
#251 Rorix Bladewing Rorix ailelame Commander Masters U   
#880 Sarkhan the Masterless Sarkhan l'Insoumis Commander Masters R   
#548 Savage Beating Attaque sauvage Commander Masters M   
#252 Savage Beating Attaque sauvage Commander Masters M3.00 € Augmentation
#253 Scourge of the Throne Fléau du trône Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#549 Scourge of the Throne Fléau du trône Commander Masters R   
#254 Skyline Despot Despote des tours Commander Masters U   
#255 Slice and Dice Une bonne tranche Commander Masters U   
#256 Spikeshot Goblin Gobelin pointecoup Commander Masters C   
#257 Spitebellows Soufflaigreur Commander Masters C   
#881 Spiteful Sliver Slivoïde malveillant Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#258 Squee, Goblin Nabob Skwi, nabab gobelin Commander Masters U   
#259 Star of Extinction Étoile d'extinction Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#550 Star of Extinction Étoile d'extinction Commander Masters R   
#260 Storm-Kiln Artist Artiste au four à tempête Commander Masters U   
#644 Storm-Kiln Artist Artiste au four à tempête Commander Masters U   
#882 Striking Sliver Slivoïde frappeur Commander Masters C0.30 € Augmentation
#261 Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner Soubira, caravanière des Tulzidi Commander Masters U   
#262 Sulfurous Blast Salve sulfureuse Commander Masters C   
#263 Tempt with Vengeance Tentation de la vengeance Commander Masters R   
#551 Tempt with Vengeance Tentation de la vengeance Commander Masters R   
#264 Temur Battle Rage Rage de bataille temurienne Commander Masters C   
#1088 Token - Dragon Jeton - Dragon Commander Masters C   
#1087 Token - Dragon Jeton - Dragon Commander Masters C   
#1136 Token - Dragon Jeton - Dragon Commander Masters C   
#1089 Token - Dragon Egg Jeton - Dragon et Œuf Commander Masters C   
#1090 Token - Dwarf Berserker Jeton - Nain et Berserker Commander Masters C   
#1092 Token - Elemental Jeton - Élémental Commander Masters C   
#1091 Token - Elemental Jeton - Élémental Commander Masters C   
#1093 Token - Elemental Jeton - Élémental Commander Masters C   
#1094 Token - Goblin Jeton - Gobelin Commander Masters C   
#1095 Token - Ogre Jeton - Ogre Commander Masters C   
#1096 Token - Satyr Jeton - Satyre Commander Masters C   
#1137 Token - Wizard Jeton - Sorcier Commander Masters C   
#552 Treasure Nabber Chipeur de trésor Commander Masters R   
#645 Treasure Nabber Chipeur de trésor Commander Masters R   
#265 Treasure Nabber Chipeur de trésor Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#883 Two-Headed Sliver Slivoïde à deux têtes Commander Masters C   
#266 Valduk, Keeper of the Flame Valduk, gardien de la Flamme Commander Masters U   
#646 Vandalblast Salve vandale Commander Masters U   
#267 Vandalblast Salve vandale Commander Masters U   
#268 Zada, Hedron Grinder Zada, broyeuse d'hèdron Commander Masters U   
#884 Abundance Abondance Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#269 Abundant Harvest Récolte abondante Commander Masters C   
#270 Acidic Slime Boue acide Commander Masters U   
#271 Animal Magnetism Magnétisme animal Commander Masters U   
#647 Arachnogenesis Arachnogénèse Commander Masters R8.00 € Augmentation
#553 Arachnogenesis Arachnogénèse Commander Masters R   
#272 Arachnogenesis Arachnogénèse Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#885 Arasta of the Endless Web Arasta de la Toile sans fin Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#273 Armorcraft Judge Juge des façonneurs d'armures Commander Masters U   
#679 Azusa, Lost but Seeking Azusa, égarée mais en quête Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#554 Azusa, Lost but Seeking Azusa, égarée mais en quête Commander Masters R   
#274 Azusa, Lost but Seeking Azusa, égarée mais en quête Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#275 Beanstalk Giant Géant de tige de haricot Commander Masters U   
#276 Bloodspore Thrinax Thrinax hématospore Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#555 Bloodspore Thrinax Thrinax hématospore Commander Masters R   
#277 Broken Wings Ailes brisées Commander Masters C   
#887 Brood Sliver Slivoïde géniteur Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#769 Composer of Spring Compositrice du printemps Commander Masters R   
#739 Composer of Spring Compositrice du printemps Commander Masters R   
#278 Courage in Crisis Courage en pleine crise Commander Masters C   
#888 Courser of Kruphix Coursière de Kruphix Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#279 Crash of Rhino Beetles Déferlante de scarabées rhinocéros Commander Masters C   
#280 Craterhoof Behemoth Béhémoth caveur de cratères Commander Masters M25.00 € Augmentation
#556 Craterhoof Behemoth Béhémoth caveur de cratères Commander Masters M   
#281 Crawling Infestation Infestation rampante Commander Masters C   
#889 Cultivate Culture Commander Masters C0.20 € Augmentation
#282 Deadly Recluse Recluse mortelle Commander Masters    
#890 Destiny Spinner Fileuse de la destinée Commander Masters U   
#557 Doubling Season Saison de dédoublement Commander Masters M   
#283 Doubling Season Saison de dédoublement Commander Masters M19.00 € Augmentation
#891 Dryad of the Ilysian Grove Dryade du bosquet ilyséen Commander Masters R2.00 €
#892 Eidolon of Blossoms Eidôlon des fleurs Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#284 Elvish Mystic Mystique elfe Commander Masters C0.50 € Augmentation
#648 Elvish Mystic Mystique elfe Commander Masters C0.50 € Augmentation
#893 Enchantress's Presence Présence de l'enchanteresse Commander Masters R   
#285 Entourage of Trest Entourage de Trest Commander Masters C   
#286 Eternal Witness Témoin éternel Commander Masters U1.00 €
#578 Experiment Kraj Kraj expérimental Commander Masters R   
#558 Ezuri's Predation Cycle alimentaire d'Ezuri Commander Masters R   
#287 Ezuri's Predation Cycle alimentaire d'Ezuri Commander Masters R   
#894 Farseek Cherchauloin Commander Masters C   
#288 Fierce Empath Empathe farouche Commander Masters C   
#559 Finale of Devastation Summum de la destruction Commander Masters M   
#289 Finale of Devastation Summum de la destruction Commander Masters M18.00 € Augmentation
#700 Finale of Devastation Summum de la destruction Commander Masters M18.00 €
#895 Font of Fertility Fontaine de fertilité Commander Masters C   
#770 For the Ancestors Pour les ancêtres Commander Masters R   
#740 For the Ancestors Pour les ancêtres Commander Masters R4.00 € Augmentation
#290 Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury Freyalise, Fureur de Llanowar Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#560 Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury Freyalise, Fureur de Llanowar Commander Masters R   
#291 Fungal Plots Pépinières de champignons Commander Masters U   
#896 Gemhide Sliver Slivoïde cuirgemme Commander Masters C   
#292 Ghalta, Primal Hunger Ghalta, Faim primordiale Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#561 Ghalta, Primal Hunger Ghalta, Faim primordiale Commander Masters R   
#293 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma Griffeboyaux, terreur de Qal Sisma Commander Masters U   
#897 Greater Tanuki Grand tanuki Commander Masters C   
#771 Hatchery Sliver Slivoïde du couvoir Commander Masters R   
#741 Hatchery Sliver Slivoïde du couvoir Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#898 Herald of the Pantheon Héraut du panthéon Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#295 Heroic Intervention Intervention héroïque Commander Masters R6.50 € Augmentation
#610 Heroic Intervention Intervention héroïque Commander Masters R   
#563 Heroic Intervention Intervention héroïque Commander Masters R   
#296 Hunter's Insight Perspicacité du chasseur Commander Masters U   
#297 Ilysian Caryatid Cariatide ilyséenne Commander Masters C   
#298 Jade Mage Mage du jade Commander Masters U   
#299 Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse Jolraël, recluse de la Mwônvouli Commander Masters R   
#564 Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse Jolraël, recluse de la Mwônvouli Commander Masters R   
#899 Khalni Heart Expedition Expédition du Cœur de Khalni Commander Masters C   
#300 Kodama's Reach Portée du kodama Commander Masters C0.75 € Augmentation
#649 Kodama's Reach Portée du kodama Commander Masters C   
#301 Kozilek's Predator Prédateur de Kozilek Commander Masters C   
#302 Krosan Tusker Terrocorne krosian Commander Masters C   
#303 Lifeblood Hydra Hydre de force vive Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#565 Lifeblood Hydra Hydre de force vive Commander Masters R   
#304 Loyal Guardian Vigile loyal Commander Masters U   
#900 Manaweft Sliver Slivoïde manaduite Commander Masters U1.25 € Augmentation
#901 Megantic Sliver Slivoïde mégantique Commander Masters R0.50 €
#903 Might Sliver Slivoïde de puissance Commander Masters U   
#305 Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer Molimo, maro-sorcier Commander Masters U   
#306 Mowu, Loyal Companion Mowu, compagnon loyal Commander Masters U   
#904 Nature's Lore Sapience naturaliste Commander Masters C0.50 € Augmentation
#307 Nemata, Grove Guardian Némata, vigile du bosquet Commander Masters U   
#905 Nessian Wanderer Vagabond nessian Commander Masters U   
#772 Nyxborn Behemoth Béhémoth né de Nyx Commander Masters R   
#742 Nyxborn Behemoth Nyxborn Behemoth Commander Masters R   
#701 Obscuring Haze Brume obscurcissante Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#308 Obscuring Haze Brume obscurcissante Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#567 Obscuring Haze Brume obscurcissante Commander Masters R   
#566 Obscuring Haze Brume obscurcissante Commander Masters R   
#309 Ohran Frostfang Croc-de-givre d'Ohran Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#650 Ohran Frostfang Croc-de-givre d'Ohran Commander Masters R   
#906 Omen of the Hunt Augure de la chasse Commander Masters C   
#568 Omnath, Locus of Mana Omnath, Locus de mana Commander Masters M   
#1063 Omnath, Locus of Mana Omnath, Locus de mana Commander Masters M   
#310 Omnath, Locus of Mana Omnath, Locus de mana Commander Masters M2.00 € Augmentation
#680 Omnath, Locus of Mana Omnath, Locus de mana Commander Masters M   
#311 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter Oviya Pashiri, sage façonneuse de vie Commander Masters U   
#312 Pollenbright Druid Druidesse de clairpollen Commander Masters C   
#313 Predatory Rampage Sauvagerie prédatoire Commander Masters U   
#907 Quick Sliver Slivoïde rapide Commander Masters C0.10 € Augmentation
#314 Ram Through Coup de bélier Commander Masters C   
#315 Rampaging Brontodon Brontodonte déchaîné Commander Masters U0.50 €
#908 Rampant Growth Croissance luxuriante Commander Masters C   
#909 Realmwalker Marcheroyaume Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#569 Regal Behemoth Béhémoth royal Commander Masters R   
#316 Regal Behemoth Béhémoth royal Commander Masters R   
#651 Regal Behemoth Béhémoth royal Commander Masters R   
#318 Regal Behemoth Béhémoth royal Commander Masters R   
#317 Rishkar, Peema Renegade Rishkar, renégat de Peema Commander Masters U   
#570 Sakiko, Mother of Summer Sakiko, mère de l'été Commander Masters R   
#319 Sakiko, Mother of Summer Sakiko, mère de l'été Commander Masters R   
#910 Sanctum Weaver Tisseuse du sanctuaire Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#911 Sandwurm Convergence Convergence des guivres des sables Commander Masters R   
#571 Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Selvala, cœur des terres sauvages Commander Masters M   
#1064 Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Selvala, cœur des terres sauvages Commander Masters M   
#320 Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Selvala, cœur des terres sauvages Commander Masters M11.00 €
#681 Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Selvala, cœur des terres sauvages Commander Masters M11.00 € Augmentation
#912 Setessan Champion Championne setessienne Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#321 Skyshroud Claim Revendication de Linciel Commander Masters C   
#322 Skysnare Spider Araignée piégeuse céleste Commander Masters C   
#323 Snakeskin Veil Voile en peau de serpent Commander Masters C   
#324 Song of the Dryads Chant des dryades Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#572 Song of the Dryads Chant des dryades Commander Masters R   
#573 Stonehoof Chieftain Chef de clan aux sabots de pierre Commander Masters R   
#325 Stonehoof Chieftain Chef de clan aux sabots de pierre Commander Masters R   
#326 Surrak, the Hunt Caller Surrak, le Grand veneur Commander Masters U   
#886 The Binding of the Titans L'emprisonnement des Titans Commander Masters U   
#562 The Great Henge Le Grand Cromlech Commander Masters M   
#294 The Great Henge Le Grand Cromlech Commander Masters M28.00 € Augmentation
#902 The Mending of Dominaria La Restauration de Dominaria Commander Masters R   
#913 Three Visits Trois visites Commander Masters U3.00 € Augmentation
#1097 Token - Cat Jeton - Chat Commander Masters C   
#1098 Token - Elephant Jeton - Éléphant Commander Masters C   
#1099 Token - Elf Druid Jeton - Elfe et Druide Commander Masters C   
#1138 Token - Elf Warrior Jeton - Elfe et Guerrier Commander Masters C   
#1139 Token - Elf Warrior Jeton - Elfe et Guerrier Commander Masters C   
#1100 Token - Insect Jeton - Insecte Commander Masters C   
#1101 Token - Phyrexian Beast Jeton - Phyrexian et Bête Commander Masters C   
#1102 Token - Saproling Jeton - Saprobionte Commander Masters C   
#1103 Token - Spider Jeton - Araignée Commander Masters C   
#1106 Token - Spirit Jeton - Esprit Commander Masters C   
#1140 Token - Wurm Jeton - Guivre Commander Masters C   
#327 Tooth and Nail Dent et ongle Commander Masters R1.50 €
#652 Tooth and Nail Dent et ongle Commander Masters R2.50 €
#574 Tooth and Nail Dent et ongle Commander Masters R5.00 €
#328 Tuskguard Captain Capitaine de la garde d'ivoire Commander Masters C   
#914 Venom Sliver Slivoïde venimeux Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#329 Verdant Confluence Confluence verdoyante Commander Masters R   
#575 Verdant Confluence Confluence verdoyante Commander Masters R   
#330 Verdeloth the Ancient Verdeloss l'ancien Commander Masters U   
#915 Verduran Enchantress Enchanteresse verduralde Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#576 Wayward Swordtooth Crocs-de-sabre rétif Commander Masters R   
#331 Wayward Swordtooth Crocs-de-sabre rétif Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#332 Wildwood Scourge Fléau de bois sauvage Commander Masters U   
#333 Yedora, Grave Gardener Yedora, jardinière des tombes Commander Masters U   
#577 Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Yisan, barde vagabond Commander Masters R   
#334 Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Yisan, barde vagabond Commander Masters R   
#335 Akiri, Fearless Voyager Akiri, pérégrine intrépide Commander Masters U   
#773 Anikthea, Hand of Erebos Anikthéa, main d'Érébos Commander Masters M   
#705 Anikthea, Hand of Erebos Anikthéa, main d'Érébos Commander Masters M   
#780 Anikthea, Hand of Erebos (BLOCK CARD) Anikthéa, main d'Érébos (BLOCK CARD) Commander Masters M   
#336 Aryel, Knight of Windgrace Aryel, chevalière Vent des vertus Commander Masters U   
#916 Battle for Bretagard Bataille de Bretagard Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#917 Binding the Old Gods Emprisonnement des dieux anciens Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#918 Calix, Destiny's Hand Calix, main de la destinée Commander Masters M0.50 €
#919 Cloudshredder Sliver Slivoïde déchiqueteur de nuage Commander Masters R   
#706 Commodore Guff Commodore Calembredaine Commander Masters M   
#781 Commodore Guff (BLOCK CARD) Commodore Calembredaine (BLOCK CARD) Commander Masters M   
#920 Crystalline Sliver Slivoïde cristallin Commander Masters U1.50 €
#921 Culling Ritual Rituel sacrificiel Commander Masters R0.90 € Augmentation
#922 Decimate Décimation Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#993 Exotic Orchard Verger exotique Commander Masters R   
#337 Experiment Kraj Kraj expérimental Commander Masters R   
#923 Firewake Sliver Slivoïde houachefeu Commander Masters U   
#579 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Gisela, lame d'Ornuit Commander Masters R   
#682 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Gisela, lame d'Ornuit Commander Masters R2.00 €
#338 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Gisela, lame d'Ornuit Commander Masters R2.00 €
#339 Hamza, Guardian of Arashin Hamza, vigile d'Arashin Commander Masters U   
#580 Hanna, Ship's Navigator Hanna la navigatrice Commander Masters R   
#340 Hanna, Ship's Navigator Hanna la navigatrice Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#924 Harmonic Sliver Slivoïde harmonique Commander Masters U   
#925 Hibernation Sliver Slivoïde hibernateur Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#341 Judith, the Scourge Diva Judith, diva du fléau Commander Masters U   
#926 Jukai Naturalist Naturaliste de Jukai Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#581 Karador, Ghost Chieftain Karador, chef de clan fantôme Commander Masters R0.50 €
#342 Karador, Ghost Chieftain Karador, chef de clan fantôme Commander Masters R0.10 €
#683 Kykar, Wind's Fury Kykar, furie du vent Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#343 Kykar, Wind's Fury Kykar, furie du vent Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#582 Kykar, Wind's Fury Kykar, furie du vent Commander Masters R   
#927 Lavabelly Sliver Slivoïde ventrelave Commander Masters U0.30 €
#709 Leori, Sparktouched Hunter Léori, chasseur touché par l'étincelle Commander Masters R   
#774 Leori, Sparktouched Hunter Léori, chasseur touché par l'étincelle Commander Masters M   
#583 Maelstrom Wanderer Vagabond du maelstrom Commander Masters R   
#684 Maelstrom Wanderer Vagabond du maelstrom Commander Masters R   
#344 Maelstrom Wanderer Vagabond du maelstrom Commander Masters R   
#345 Melek, Izzet Paragon Melek, Parangon d'Izzet Commander Masters U   
#685 Meren of Clan Nel Toth Meren du clan Nel Toth Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#584 Meren of Clan Nel Toth Meren du clan Nel Toth Commander Masters R   
#346 Meren of Clan Nel Toth Meren du clan Nel Toth Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#928 Mirari's Wake Éveil du Mirari Commander Masters M3.00 € Augmentation
#585 Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist Mirri, duelliste de l'Aquilon Commander Masters R   
#347 Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist Mirri, duelliste de l'Aquilon Commander Masters R   
#586 Mizzix of the Izmagnus Mizzix de l'Izmagnus Commander Masters R   
#348 Mizzix of the Izmagnus Mizzix de l'Izmagnus Commander Masters R   
#929 Nahiri, the Harbinger Nahiri, l'annonciatrice Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#775 Narci, Fable Singer Narci, chanteuse de fables Commander Masters M   
#710 Narci, Fable Singer Narci, chanteuse de fables Commander Masters M   
#930 Narset of the Ancient Way Narset des traditions Commander Masters M   
#931 Narset, Enlightened Master Narset, maîtresse éclairée Commander Masters M   
#932 Necrotic Sliver Slivoïde nécrotique Commander Masters U   
#587 Nekusar, the Mindrazer Nekusar, le terrasseur d'esprit Commander Masters R   
#349 Nekusar, the Mindrazer Nekusar, le terrasseur d'esprit Commander Masters R0.50 €
#933 Nyx Weaver Portée Au début de votre entretien, meulez deux ca Commander Masters U   
#934 Oath of Teferi Serment de Téfeiri Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#350 Queen Marchesa Reine Marchesa Commander Masters R1.00 €
#588 Queen Marchesa Reine Marchesa Commander Masters R1.00 €
#351 Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage Raff Capashen, mage de navire Commander Masters U   
#352 Rafiq of the Many Rafiq aux Innombrables Commander Masters R   
#589 Rafiq of the Many Rafiq aux Innombrables Commander Masters R   
#711 Rukarumel, Biologist Rukarumel, biologiste Commander Masters M   
#776 Rukarumel, Biologist Rukarumel, biologiste Commander Masters M   
#935 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer Saheeli, sublime artificière Commander Masters U0.05 € Augmentation
#936 Satyr Enchanter Enchanteur satyre Commander Masters U0.50 € Augmentation
#354 Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper Sek'Kuar, gardemort Commander Masters R   
#591 Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper Sek'Kuar, gardemort Commander Masters R   
#592 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant Sidisi, tyran de la Couvée Commander Masters R   
#355 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant Sidisi, tyran de la Couvée Commander Masters R   
#686 Slimefoot, the Stowaway Fongepied, le clandestin Commander Masters U   
#356 Slimefoot, the Stowaway Fongepied, le clandestin Commander Masters U   
#707 Sliver Gravemother Mère des tombes slivoïde Commander Masters M   
#777 Sliver Gravemother Mère des tombes slivoïde Commander Masters M   
#782 Sliver Gravemother (BLOCK CARD) Mère des tombes slivoïde (BLOCK CARD) Commander Masters M   
#937 Sliver Hivelord Seigneur d'essaim slivoïde Commander Masters M6.00 € Augmentation
#938 Sythis, Harvest's Hand Sythis, main des récoltes Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#357 Taigam, Sidisi's Hand Taigam, bras droit de Sidisi Commander Masters U   
#358 Tatyova, Benthic Druid Tatyova, druidesse benthique Commander Masters U   
#687 Tatyova, Benthic Druid Tatyova, druidesse benthique Commander Masters U   
#593 Teysa Karlov Teysa Karlov Commander Masters R   
#688 Teysa Karlov Teysa Karlov Commander Masters R   
#359 Teysa Karlov Teysa Karlov Commander Masters R   
#353 The Scarab God Le Dieu-Scarabée Commander Masters M7.50 € Augmentation
#590 The Scarab God Le Dieu-Scarabée Commander Masters M   
#689 The Ur-Dragon L'Ur-Dragon Commander Masters M   
#361 The Ur-Dragon L'Ur-Dragon Commander Masters M23.00 € Augmentation
#1065 The Ur-Dragon L'Ur-Dragon Commander Masters M   
#594 The Ur-Dragon L'Ur-Dragon Commander Masters M   
#1104 Token - Elemental Jeton - Élémental Commander Masters C   
#1105 Token - Graveborn Jeton - Désencavé Commander Masters C   
#360 Tuya Bearclaw Tuya Oursegriffe Commander Masters U   
#939 Wall of Denial Mur de déni Commander Masters U   
#595 Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Xantcha, agent en sommeil Commander Masters R2.00 €
#362 Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Xantcha, agent en sommeil Commander Masters R1.00 €
#596 Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign Yennett, souveraine cryptique Commander Masters R0.10 €
#363 Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign Yennett, souveraine cryptique Commander Masters R   
#364 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Yuriko, l'ombre du tigre Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#597 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Yuriko, l'ombre du tigre Commander Masters R   
#690 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Yuriko, l'ombre du tigre Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#691 Zacama, Primal Calamity Zacama, Calamité primordiale Commander Masters R3.50 €
#365 Zacama, Primal Calamity Zacama, Calamité primordiale Commander Masters R3.50 €
#598 Zacama, Primal Calamity Zacama, Calamité primordiale Commander Masters R   
#366 Zilortha, Strength Incarnate Zilortha, force incarnée Commander Masters R   
#599 Zilortha, Strength Incarnate Zilortha, force incarnée Commander Masters R   
#985 Arcane Lighthouse Phare hermétique Commander Masters U1.50 € Augmentation
#986 Arch of Orazca Arche d'Orazca Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#419 Ash Barrens Landes cendreuses Commander Masters C   
#987 Blast Zone Zone de déflagration Commander Masters R   
#988 Bonders' Enclave Enclave des brideurs Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#989 Canopy Vista Vue de la canopée Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#990 Cascade Bluffs Saillies de la cascade Commander Masters R1.00 €
#991 Cinder Glade Clairière de scories Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#420 Command Tower Tour de commandement Commander Masters C0.10 € Augmentation
#659 Command Tower Tour de commandement Commander Masters C0.10 € Augmentation
#992 Eldrazi Temple Temple eldrazi Commander Masters U2.00 €
#994 Flood Plain Plaine inondée Commander Masters U   
#799 Forest Forêt Commander Masters C   
#451 Forest Forêt Commander Masters    
#450 Forest Forêt Commander Masters    
#797 Forest Foret Commander Masters C   
#449 Forest Forêt Commander Masters    
#798 Forest Forêt Commander Masters C   
#995 Forge of Heroes Forge des héros Commander Masters C   
#996 Fortified Village Village fortifié Commander Masters R   
#997 Frontier Bivouac Bivouac de frontière Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#998 Frostboil Snarl Lacis pyrogel Commander Masters R0.30 €
#999 Furycalm Snarl Lacis calmerage Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#1000 Geier Reach Sanitarium Asile de la Chaîne de Geier Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#1001 Golgari Rot Farm Ferme à putréfaction des Golgari Commander Masters C0.20 € Augmentation
#1002 Grasslands Herbages Commander Masters U   
#1003 Guildless Commons Commune des sans guilde Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#1004 Interplanar Beacon Flambeau interplanaire Commander Masters U   
#1005 Irrigated Farmland Terres arables irriguées Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#440 Island Île Commander Masters C   
#789 Island Île Commander Masters    
#790 Island Île Commander Masters    
#441 Island Île Commander Masters    
#442 Island Île Commander Masters    
#788 Island Île Commander Masters    
#1006 Jungle Shrine Reliquaire de la jungle Commander Masters U0.15 € Nouveauté
#1007 Karn's Bastion Bastion de Karn Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#1008 Krosan Verge Orée de la Krosia Commander Masters U   
#1009 Mage-Ring Network Réseau des Anneaux du Mage Commander Masters U   
#1010 Mirrorpool Bassin miroir Commander Masters M   
#1011 Mobilized District Circonscription mobilisée Commander Masters R   
#795 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#794 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#446 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#447 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#448 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#796 Mountain Montagne Commander Masters    
#1012 Mountain Valley Vallée forestière Commander Masters U   
#421 Myriad Landscape Paysage myriadaire Commander Masters U   
#660 Myriad Landscape Paysage myriadaire Commander Masters U   
#1013 Mystic Gate Porte mystique Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#1014 Mystic Monastery Monastère mystique Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#1015 Necroblossom Snarl Lacis nécrofleur Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#1016 Nomad Outpost Avant-poste nomade Commander Masters U0.20 €
#422 Opal Palace Palais d'opale Commander Masters C   
#1017 Opulent Palace Palais opulent Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#1018 Orzhov Basilica Basilique d'Orzhov Commander Masters U   
#423 Path of Ancestry Voie de l'Ascendance Commander Masters C   
#661 Path of Ancestry Voie de l'Ascendance Commander Masters C   
#439 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#437 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#438 Plains Plaine Commander Masters C   
#783 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#784 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#785 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#786 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#787 Plains Plaine Commander Masters    
#1019 Port Town Ville portuaire Commander Masters R   
#1020 Prairie Stream Prairie ruisselante Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#424 Rejuvenating Springs Sources rajeunisseuses Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#662 Rejuvenating Springs Sources rajeunisseuses Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#617 Rejuvenating Springs Sources rajeunisseuses Commander Masters R   
#425 Reliquary Tower Tour du Reliquaire Commander Masters U1.00 €
#663 Reliquary Tower Tour du Reliquaire Commander Masters U1.00 € Augmentation
#1021 Rocky Tar Pit Fosse d'huile de roche Commander Masters U   
#426 Rogue's Passage Passage des malandrins Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#1022 Rugged Prairie Prairie rocailleuse Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#1023 Ruins of Oran-Rief Ruines d'Oran-Rief Commander Masters R   
#1024 Sandsteppe Citadel Citadelle de la steppe de sable Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#1025 Savage Lands Terres sauvages Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#1026 Scattered Groves Bosquets épars Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#1027 Scavenger Grounds Terrains des charognards Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#1028 Sea Gate Wreckage Décombres de Porte des Mers Commander Masters R   
#1029 Seaside Citadel Citadelle maritime Commander Masters U0.20 €
#1030 Secluded Courtyard Cour retirée Commander Masters U   
#1031 Selesnya Sanctuary Sanctuaire de Selesnya Commander Masters C0.05 € Augmentation
#1032 Sheltered Thicket Halliers protégés Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#1033 Shineshadow Snarl Lacis luminombre Commander Masters R   
#1034 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods Reliquaire des Dieux abandonnés Commander Masters R   
#1035 Skycloud Expanse Immensité de Cielcouvert Commander Masters R   
#1036 Smoldering Marsh Marécage fumant Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#664 Spectator Seating Gradins de spectateurs Commander Masters R8.00 € Augmentation
#427 Spectator Seating Gradins de spectateurs Commander Masters R8.00 € Augmentation
#618 Spectator Seating Gradins de spectateurs Commander Masters R   
#1037 Sungrass Prairie Prairie de Solherbe Commander Masters R   
#1038 Sunken Hollow Dépression engloutie Commander Masters R0.30 € Augmentation
#793 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#445 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#791 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#792 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#443 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#444 Swamp Marais Commander Masters    
#1039 Tainted Field Champ souillé Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#1040 Tainted Wood Bois souillé Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#1041 Temple of Enlightenment Temple de l'illumination Commander Masters R   
#1042 Temple of Epiphany Temple de la révélation Commander Masters R   
#1043 Temple of Malady Temple de la maladie Commander Masters R   
#1044 Temple of Plenty Temple de la profusion Commander Masters R   
#1045 Temple of Silence Temple du silence Commander Masters R   
#1046 Temple of the False God Temple de la fausse divinité Commander Masters U0.05 € Augmentation
#1047 Temple of Triumph Temple du triomphe Commander Masters R   
#428 Terramorphic Expanse Immensité terramorphe Commander Masters C   
#429 Thriving Bluff Promontoire prospère Commander Masters C   
#430 Thriving Grove Bosquet prospère Commander Masters C   
#431 Thriving Heath Prairie prospère Commander Masters U   
#432 Thriving Isle Île prospère Commander Masters C   
#433 Thriving Moor Lande prospère Commander Masters C   
#1048 Tomb of the Spirit Dragon Tombeau du dragon-esprit Commander Masters U   
#665 Training Center Centre d'entraînement Commander Masters R   
#434 Training Center Centre d'entraînement Commander Masters R4.50 € Augmentation
#619 Training Center Centre d'entraînement Commander Masters R   
#1049 Tyrite Sanctum Sanctuaire de tyrite Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#1050 Unclaimed Territory Terra nullius Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#620 Undergrowth Stadium Stade des sous-bois Commander Masters R   
#435 Undergrowth Stadium Stade des sous-bois Commander Masters R4.50 € Augmentation
#666 Undergrowth Stadium Stade des sous-bois Commander Masters R4.50 € Augmentation
#1051 Urza's Mine Mine d'Urza Commander Masters C1.25 €
#1052 Urza's Power Plant Centrale énergétique d'Urza Commander Masters C1.50 € Augmentation
#1053 Urza's Tower Tour d'Urza Commander Masters C1.50 € Augmentation
#436 Vault of Champions Caveau des champions Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#667 Vault of Champions Caveau des champions Commander Masters R   
#621 Vault of Champions Caveau des champions Commander Masters R   
#1054 War Room Salle de guerre Commander Masters R1.00 €
#1055 Wastes Lande Commander Masters C   
#1056 Wastes Lande Commander Masters C   
#940 Ancient Stone Idol Ancienne idole de pierre Commander Masters R   
#653 Arcane Signet Cachet d'ésotérisme Commander Masters U1.00 €
#367 Arcane Signet Cachet d'ésotérisme Commander Masters U0.75 € Augmentation
#368 Ashnod's Altar Autel d'Ashnod Commander Masters U5.00 € Augmentation
#369 Assault Suit Cuirasse d'assaut Commander Masters U   
#941 Azorius Signet Cachet d'Azorius Commander Masters U   
#370 Bonder's Ornament Ornement de brideur Commander Masters C   
#371 Boompile Tas-boum Commander Masters R   
#600 Boompile Tas-boum Commander Masters R   
#942 Boros Signet Cachet de Boros Commander Masters U0.25 € Augmentation
#372 Brass Knuckles Coup-de-poing capennan Commander Masters C   
#373 Burnished Hart Cerf bruni Commander Masters R   
#374 Campfire Feu de camp Commander Masters C   
#654 Champion's Helm Heaume du champion Commander Masters U   
#375 Champion's Helm Heaume du champion Commander Masters R   
#601 Champion's Helm Heaume du champion Commander Masters R   
#376 Chromatic Lantern Lanterne chromatique Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#602 Chromatic Lantern Lanterne chromatique Commander Masters R   
#377 Commander's Sphere Sphère du commandant Commander Masters C   
#655 Commander's Sphere Sphère du commandant Commander Masters C   
#944 Crashing Drawbridge Pont-levis d'assaut Commander Masters C   
#378 Darksteel Ingot Lingot de sombracier Commander Masters C   
#778 Darksteel Monolith Monolithe de sombracier Commander Masters R   
#743 Darksteel Monolith Monolithe de sombracier Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#945 Dreamstone Hedron Hèdron pierre de rêve Commander Masters U   
#946 Duplicant Répliquant Commander Masters R   
#603 Emerald Medallion Médaillon d'émeraude Commander Masters R   
#379 Emerald Medallion Médaillon d'émeraude Commander Masters R3.50 € Augmentation
#947 Endless Atlas Atlas infini Commander Masters R1.00 €
#948 Everflowing Chalice Calice toujours ruisselant Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#380 Explorer's Scope Longue-vue de l'explorateur Commander Masters C   
#656 Extraplanar Lens Lentille extraplanaire Commander Masters M3.50 €
#604 Extraplanar Lens Lentille extraplanaire Commander Masters M7.00 €
#381 Extraplanar Lens Lentille extraplanaire Commander Masters M3.50 €
#382 Fellwar Stone Pierre de Guermont Commander Masters U   
#657 Fellwar Stone Pierre de Guermont Commander Masters U   
#383 Firemind Vessel Réceptacle du Cérébropyre Commander Masters C   
#949 Fireshrieker Hurlefeu Commander Masters U   
#384 Forebear's Blade Lame de l'aïeul Commander Masters U   
#950 Forsaken Monument Monument abandonné Commander Masters M3.50 € Augmentation
#385 Foundry Inspector Inspecteur de la fonderie Commander Masters C   
#386 Geode Golem Golem de géode Commander Masters U   
#605 Gilded Lotus Lotus doré Commander Masters R   
#387 Gilded Lotus Lotus doré Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#388 Hammer of Nazahn Marteau de Nazahn Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#606 Hammer of Nazahn Marteau de Nazahn Commander Masters R   
#951 Hangarback Walker Marcheur porte-hangars Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#389 Haunted Cloak Cape hantée Commander Masters C   
#390 Heart-Piercer Bow Arc du perce-cœur Commander Masters C   
#952 Hedron Archive Archive hèdron Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#953 Herald's Horn Cor du héraut Commander Masters U2.00 €
#391 Hero's Blade Lame du héros Commander Masters U   
#954 Honor-Worn Shaku Shaku usé par l'honneur Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#955 Icon of Ancestry Icône de l'Ascendance Commander Masters R0.50 €
#607 Idol of Oblivion Idole de l'oubli Commander Masters R   
#392 Idol of Oblivion Idole de l'oubli Commander Masters R1.00 € Augmentation
#609 Inspiring Statuary Statuaire inspiratrice Commander Masters R   
#394 Inspiring Statuary Statuaire inspiratrice Commander Masters R   
#956 Investigator's Journal Journal de l'enquêteur Commander Masters R   
#957 Izzet Signet Cachet d'Izzet Commander Masters U   
#395 Jet Medallion Médaillon de jais Commander Masters R4.00 € Augmentation
#1066 Jeweled Lotus Lotus joailler Commander Masters M50.00 €
#611 Jeweled Lotus Lotus joailler Commander Masters M50.00 €
#396 Jeweled Lotus Lotus joailler Commander Masters M60.00 € Augmentation
#958 Kaldra Compleat Kaldra parachevée Commander Masters M   
#397 Letter of Acceptance Lettre d'admission Commander Masters C   
#398 Lightning Greaves Jambières d'éclair Commander Masters U3.50 € Augmentation
#959 Mazemind Tome Grimoire du dédale de l'esprit Commander Masters R   
#960 Metalwork Colossus Colosse de métallurgie Commander Masters R0.20 € Augmentation
#399 Meteor Golem Golem météoritique Commander Masters U   
#961 Mind Stone Pierre de l'esprit Commander Masters C   
#962 Mirage Mirror Mirage miroir Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#400 Myr Sire Père des myrs Commander Masters C   
#963 Myriad Construct Construction myriadaire Commander Masters R   
#964 Mystic Forge Forge mystique Commander Masters R1.50 € Augmentation
#965 Nevinyrral's Disk Disque de Nevinyrral Commander Masters R   
#829 Norn's Annex Annexe de Norn Commander Masters R0.50 € Augmentation
#966 Ornithopter of Paradise Ornithoptère de paradis Commander Masters C   
#967 Palladium Myr Myr de palladium Commander Masters U0.40 € Augmentation
#401 Pearl Medallion Médaillon de perle Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#612 Pearl Medallion Médaillon de perle Commander Masters R   
#968 Perilous Vault Caveau du péril Commander Masters M   
#969 Phyrexian Triniform Triniforme phyrexian Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#402 Pilgrim's Eye Œil du pèlerin Commander Masters C   
#970 Pillar of Origins Pilier des origines Commander Masters U   
#403 Prismatic Lens Lentille prismatique Commander Masters C   
#404 Prophetic Prism Prisme prophétique Commander Masters C   
#405 Ruby Medallion Médaillon de rubis Commander Masters R5.50 € Augmentation
#613 Ruby Medallion Médaillon de rubis Commander Masters R   
#406 Sandstone Oracle Oracle de grès Commander Masters U   
#407 Sapphire Medallion Médaillon de saphir Commander Masters R8.00 € Augmentation
#614 Sapphire Medallion Médaillon de saphir Commander Masters R   
#971 Scaretiller Épouvanculteur Commander Masters C   
#408 Scytheclaw Griffe faucheuse Commander Masters R   
#615 Scytheclaw Griffe faucheuse Commander Masters R   
#409 Shimmer Myr Myr scintillant Commander Masters U   
#972 Silent Arbiter Arbitre silencieux Commander Masters R2.50 € Augmentation
#703 Sol Ring Anneau solaire Commander Masters U2.00 €
#410 Sol Ring Anneau solaire Commander Masters U1.00 € Augmentation
#973 Solemn Simulacrum Simulacre solennel Commander Masters R0.75 € Augmentation
#974 Soul of New Phyrexia Âme de la Nouvelle Phyrexia Commander Masters M   
#411 Spectral Searchlight Projecteur spectral Commander Masters U   
#412 Staunch Throneguard Gardien du trône inébranlable Commander Masters C   
#975 Steel Hellkite Escouflenfer d'acier Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#976 Stonecoil Serpent Grand serpent annoroc Commander Masters R   
#977 Suspicious Bookcase Bibliothèque suspecte Commander Masters U   
#413 Sword of the Animist Épée de l'animiste Commander Masters R6.00 € Augmentation
#616 Sword of the Animist Épée de l'animiste Commander Masters R   
#978 Talisman of Conviction Talisman de conviction Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#979 Talisman of Creativity Talisman de créativité Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#980 Talisman of Progress Talisman de progrès Commander Masters U0.30 € Augmentation
#943 The Chain Veil Le Voile de Chaîne Commander Masters M5.50 € Augmentation
#608 The Immortal Sun Le Soleil immortel Commander Masters M   
#393 The Immortal Sun Le Soleil immortel Commander Masters M13.00 € Augmentation
#414 Thought Vessel Urne de pensée Commander Masters U0.50 € Augmentation
#415 Thran Dynamo Dynamo Thran Commander Masters U1.75 € Augmentation
#658 Thran Dynamo Dynamo thran Commander Masters U1.75 € Augmentation
#1107 Token - Clue Jeton - Indice Commander Masters C   
#1109 Token - Construct Jeton - Construction Commander Masters C   
#1141 Token - Construct Jeton - Construction Commander Masters C   
#1142 Token - Construct Jeton - Construction Commander Masters C   
#1108 Token - Construct Jeton - Construction Commander Masters C   
#1110 Token - Myr Jeton - Myr Commander Masters C   
#1143 Token - Phyrexian Golem Jeton - Phyrexian et Golem Commander Masters C   
#1111 Token - Phyrexian Myr Jeton - Phyrexian et Myr Commander Masters C   
#1112 Token - Servo Jeton - Servo Commander Masters C   
#1113 Token - Stoneforged Blade Jeton - Lame du Forgepierre Commander Masters C   
#1114 Token - Thopter Jeton - Mécanoptère Commander Masters C   
#1115 Token - Treasure Jeton - Trésor Commander Masters C   
#981 Transmogrifying Wand Baguette transfiguratrice Commander Masters R   
#416 Unstable Obelisk Obélisque instable Commander Masters C   
#982 Vanquisher's Banner Bannière du vainqueur Commander Masters R4.00 € Augmentation
#417 Vial of Dragonfire Fiole de feu des dragons Commander Masters C   
#418 Vulshok Battlegear Harnais de bataille vulshok Commander Masters C   
#983 Wayfarer's Bauble Babiole du voyageur Commander Masters C   
#984 Worn Powerstone Lithoforce usée Commander Masters U0.60 € Augmentation
#713 Calamity of the Titans Calamité des titans Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#745 Calamity of the Titans Calamité des titans Commander Masters R   
#803 Endbringer Précurseur de la fin Commander Masters R0.10 € Augmentation
#715 Flayer of Loyalties Écorcheur de loyautés Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#747 Flayer of Loyalties Écorcheur de loyautés Commander Masters R   
#1057 Kozilek, the Great Distortion Kozilek, la Grande Distorsion Commander Masters M   
#2 Kozilek, the Great Distortion Kozilek, la Grande Distorsion Commander Masters M2.50 € Augmentation
#668 Kozilek, the Great Distortion Kozilek, la Grande Distorsion Commander Masters M2.50 € Augmentation
#806 Matter Reshaper Reforgeur de matière Commander Masters R   
#749 Rise of the Eldrazi L'ascension des Eldrazi Commander Masters R8.50 €
#716 Rise of the Eldrazi L'ascension des Eldrazi Commander Masters R8.00 € Augmentation
#809 Spatial Contortion Contorsion spatiale Commander Masters U   
#812 Warping Wail Gémissement distordant Commander Masters U0.40 € Augmentation
#752 Zhulodok, Void Gorger Zhulodok, avaleur du Vide Commander Masters M   
#704 Zhulodok, Void Gorger Zhulodok, avaleur du Vide Commander Masters M   
#779 Zhulodok, Void Gorger (BLOCK CARD) Zhulodok, avaleur du Vide (BLOCK CARD) Commander Masters M   
#744 Abstruse Archaic Archaïque abscons Commander Masters R   
#712 Abstruse Archaic Archaïque abscons Commander Masters R3.00 € Augmentation
#800 All Is Dust Tout n'est que poussière Commander Masters M6.50 € Augmentation
#801 Artisan of Kozilek Artisan de Kozilek Commander Masters U   
#802 Bane of Bala Ged Fléau de Bala Ged Commander Masters U0.10 € Augmentation
#714 Desecrate Reality Profanation de réalité Commander Masters R   
#746 Desecrate Reality Profanation de réalité Commander Masters R   
#804 Endless One Interminable Commander Masters R0.50 €
#805 It That Betrays Lui-qui-trahit Commander Masters R5.00 € Augmentation
#702 Jeweled Lotus Lotus joailler Commander Masters M75.00 €
#452 Kozilek, the Great Distortion Kozilek, la Grande Distorsion Commander Masters M   
#453 Morophon, the Boundless Morophon, l'Abondant Commander Masters M   
#1058 Morophon, the Boundless Morophon, l'Abondant Commander Masters M   
#669 Morophon, the Boundless Morophon, l'Abondant Commander Masters M8.50 € Augmentation
#3 Morophon, the Boundless Morophon, l'Abondant Commander Masters M8.50 € Augmentation
#807 Not of This World Pas de ce monde Commander Masters U   
#808 Oblivion Sower Semeur de l'oubli Commander Masters M1.00 € Augmentation
#708 Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate Omarthis, adepte de l'ectofeu Commander Masters M   
#748 Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate Omarthis, adepte de l'ectofeu Commander Masters M   
#4 Pathrazer of Ulamog Terrasseur d'Ulamog Commander Masters U   
#750 Skittering Cicada Cigale fuyarde Commander Masters R   
#717 Skittering Cicada Cigale fuyarde Commander Masters R2.00 € Augmentation
#1 The Prismatic Piper Le Joueur de Flûte prismatique Commander Masters C   
#810 Titan's Presence Présence du titan Commander Masters U   
#1068 Token - Eldrazi Jeton - Eldrazi Commander Masters C   
#1069 Token - Eldrazi Scion Jeton - Eldrazi et Scion Commander Masters C   
#1070 Token - Eldrazi Spawn Jeton - Eldrazi et Engeance Commander Masters C   
#718 Ugin's Mastery Maîtrise d'Ugin Commander Masters R   
#751 Ugin's Mastery Maîtrise d'Ugin Commander Masters R   
#811 Ugin, the Ineffable Ugin, l'ineffable Commander Masters R0.50 €
#6 Ulamog's Crusher Écrabouilleur d'Ulamog Commander Masters C   
#1059 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable Commander Masters M   
#454 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable Commander Masters M   
#5 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable Commander Masters M25.00 € Augmentation
#670 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable Commander Masters M25.00 € Augmentation

Nombre de cartes : 1148

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