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Portal Second Age

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Magic The Gathering :

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#Nom VoNom VfEditionRaretéRachatVOVF
#164 Portal Second Age    
#165 Portal Second Age    
#1 Alaborn Cavalier Cavalier d'Alaborn Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#2 Alaborn Grenadier Grenadier d'Alaborn Portal Second Age C   
#3 Alaborn Musketeer Mousquetaire d'Alaborn Portal Second Age C   
#4 Alaborn Trooper Troupier d'Alaborn Portal Second Age C   
#5 Alaborn Veteran Vétéran d'Alaborn Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#6 Alaborn Zealot Zélatrice d'Alaborn Portal Second Age U   
#7 Angel of Fury Ange de fureur Portal Second Age R2.00 €
#8 Angel of Mercy Ange de miséricorde Portal Second Age U   
#9 Angelic Blessing Bénédiction angélique Portal Second Age C   
#10 Angelic Wall Mur angélique Portal Second Age C   
#11 Archangel Archange Portal Second Age R1.50 €
#12 Armageddon Armaguedon Portal Second Age R12.00 € Augmentation
#13 Armored Griffin Griffon cuirassé Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#14 Bargain Bonne affaire Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#15 Breath of Life Souffle de vie Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#16 Festival of Trokin Festival de Trokin Portal Second Age C   
#17 Just Fate Juste destin Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#18 Path of Peace Chemin de paix Portal Second Age C   
#19 Rally the Troops Ralliement des troupes Portal Second Age U   
#20 Righteous Charge Charge des justes Portal Second Age C   
#21 Righteous Fury Fureur des justes Portal Second Age R2.00 €
#22 Steam Catapult Catapulte à vapeur Portal Second Age R0.10 €
#23 Temple Acolyte Acolyte du temple Portal Second Age C   
#24 Temple Elder Doyen du temple Portal Second Age U   
#25 Town Sentry Sentinelle de la ville Portal Second Age C   
#26 Trokin High Guard Haut garde de trokin Portal Second Age C   
#27 Vengeance Vengeance Portal Second Age U   
#28 Volunteer Militia Volontaire de la milice Portal Second Age C   
#29 Warrior's Stand Position de combat Portal Second Age U   
#30 Wild Griffin Griffon sauvage Portal Second Age C   
#31 Air Elemental Élémental d'air Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#32 Apprentice Sorcerer Apprenti ensorceleur Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#33 Armored Galleon Galion cuirassé Portal Second Age U0.70 € Augmentation
#34 Coastal Wizard Magicien de la côte Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#35 Deja Vu Déjà Vu Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#36 Denizen of the Deep Habitant des profondeurs Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#37 Exhaustion Exténuation Portal Second Age R1.00 € Augmentation
#38 Extinguish Anéantissement Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#39 Eye Spy Oeil espion Portal Second Age U0.30 €
#40 False Summoning Fausse invocation Portal Second Age C   
#41 Mystic Denial Déni mystique Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#42 Piracy Piraterie Portal Second Age R7.00 €
#43 Remove Renvoi Portal Second Age U0.50 €
#44 Screeching Drake Drakôn grinçant Portal Second Age C   
#45 Sea Drake Drakôn marin Portal Second Age U1.00 €
#46 Sleight of Hand Passe-passe Portal Second Age C2.00 €
#47 Steam Frigate Frégate à vapeur Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#48 Talas Air Ship Vaisseau volant talien Portal Second Age C   
#49 Talas Explorer Exploratrice de Talas Portal Second Age C   
#50 Talas Merchant Marchand de Talas Portal Second Age C   
#51 Talas Researcher Chercheuse de Talas Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#52 Talas Scout Éclaireur de Talas Portal Second Age C   
#53 Talas Warrior Guerrier de Talas Portal Second Age R2.00 €
#54 Temporal Manipulation Manipulation temporelle Portal Second Age R15.00 €
#55 Theft of Dreams Détournement des rêves Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#56 Tidal Surge Déferlement de la marée Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#57 Time Ebb Temps du jusant Portal Second Age C   
#58 Touch of Brilliance Toucher de miroitement Portal Second Age C   
#59 Undo Annulation Portal Second Age U0.30 €
#60 Wind Sail Vol à voile Portal Second Age C   
#66 0.9 Coercition Portal Second Age U   
#61 Abyssal Nightstalker Chassenuit des abysses Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#62 Ancient Craving Passion pour l'antique Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#63 Bloodcurdling Scream Cri à glacer le sang Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#64 Brutal Nightstalker Chassenuit brutal Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#65 Chorus of Woe Concert de lamentations Portal Second Age C   
#67 Cruel Edict Édit cruel Portal Second Age C0.30 €
#68 Dakmor Bat Chauve-souris du Marennois Portal Second Age C   
#69 Dakmor Plague Peste du Marennois Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#70 Dakmor Scorpion Scorpion du Marennois Portal Second Age C   
#71 Dakmor Sorceress Ensorceleuse du Marennois Portal Second Age R   
#72 Dark Offering Offrande ténébreuse Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#73 Foul Spirit Esprit flétri Portal Second Age U   
#74 Hand of Death Main de mort Portal Second Age C   
#75 Hidden Horror Horreur cachée Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#76 Kiss of Death Baiser de mort Portal Second Age U   
#77 Lurking Nightstalker Chassenuit sournois Portal Second Age C   
#78 Mind Rot Pourrissement cérébral Portal Second Age C   
#79 Moaning Spirit Esprit gémissant Portal Second Age C   
#80 Muck Rats Rat du fumier Portal Second Age C   
#81 Nightstalker Engine Engin des chassenuits Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#82 Predatory Nightstalker Chassenuit prédateur Portal Second Age U3.00 €
#83 Prowling Nightstalker Chassenuit rôdeur Portal Second Age C   
#84 Raiding Nightstalker Chassenuit pillard Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#85 Rain of Daggers Pluie de dagues Portal Second Age R2.00 €
#86 Raise Dead Exhumation Portal Second Age C0.05 €
#87 Ravenous Rats Rats voraces Portal Second Age C0.05 €
#88 Return of the Nightstalkers Le retour des chassenuits Portal Second Age R0.30 €
#89 Swarm of Rats Colonie de rats Portal Second Age C   
#90 Vampiric Spirit Esprit vampirique Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#91 Blaze Brasier Portal Second Age U0.30 € Augmentation
#92 Brimstone Dragon Dragon sulfureux Portal Second Age R   
#93 Cunning Giant Géant rusé Portal Second Age R1.00 € Augmentation
#94 Earthquake Tremblement de terre Portal Second Age R1.50 €
#95 Goblin Cavaliers Cavaliers gobelins Portal Second Age C   
#96 Goblin Firestarter Boutefeu gobelin Portal Second Age U1.00 € Augmentation
#97 Goblin General Général gobelin Portal Second Age R4.00 €
#98 Goblin Glider Planeur gobelin Portal Second Age C0.10 €
#99 Goblin Lore Sapience gobeline Portal Second Age U0.54 €
#100 Goblin Matron Matrone gobeline Portal Second Age U1.50 € Augmentation
#101 Goblin Mountaineer Montagnard gobelin Portal Second Age C   
#102 Goblin Piker Piquier gobelin Portal Second Age C   
#103 Goblin Raider Pillard gobelin Portal Second Age C   
#104 Goblin War Cry Cri de guerre des gobelins Portal Second Age U1.50 € Augmentation
#105 Goblin War Strike Frappe guerrière des gobelins Portal Second Age C0.50 € Augmentation
#106 Jagged Lightning Double éclair Portal Second Age U   
#107 Lava Axe Hache de lave Portal Second Age C   
#108 Magma Giant Géant de magma Portal Second Age R   
#109 Obsidian Giant Géant d'obsidienne Portal Second Age U   
#110 Ogre Arsonist Incendiaire ogre Portal Second Age U   
#111 Ogre Berserker Berserker ogre Portal Second Age C   
#112 Ogre Taskmaster Surveillant ogre Portal Second Age U   
#113 Ogre Warrior Guerrier Ogre Portal Second Age C   
#114 Raging Goblin Gobelin enragé Portal Second Age C0.10 € Augmentation
#115 Relentless Assault Assaut implacable Portal Second Age R1.25 € Augmentation
#116 Spitting Earth Expectoration tellurique Portal Second Age C   
#117 Stone Rain Pluie de pierres Portal Second Age C   
#118 Tremor Tremblement Portal Second Age C   
#119 Volcanic Hammer Marteau volcanique Portal Second Age C   
#120 Wildfire Feu dévastateur Portal Second Age R   
#121 Alluring Scent Odeur alléchante Portal Second Age R0.30 €
#122 Barbtooth Wurm Guivre aux dents barbelées Portal Second Age C   
#123 Bear Cub Ourson Portal Second Age C   
#124 Bee Sting Piqûre d'abeille Portal Second Age U   
#125 Deathcoil Wurm Guivre aux anneaux de mort Portal Second Age R2.00 €
#126 Deep Wood Bois profond Portal Second Age U   
#127 Golden Bear Ours doré Portal Second Age C   
#128 Harmony of Nature Harmonie de la nature Portal Second Age U0.10 €
#129 Hurricane Ouragan Portal Second Age R0.10 €
#130 Ironhoof Ox Buffle aux sabots de fer Portal Second Age U   
#131 Lone Wolf Loup solitaire Portal Second Age U   
#132 Lynx Lynx Portal Second Age C   
#133 Monstrous Growth Croissance démesurée Portal Second Age C   
#134 Natural Spring Source naturelle Portal Second Age C   
#135 Nature's Lore Sapience naturaliste Portal Second Age C1.50 €
#136 Norwood Archers Archers de Norbois Portal Second Age C   
#137 Norwood Priestess Prêtresse de Norbois Portal Second Age R40.00 €
#138 Norwood Ranger Ranger de Norbois Portal Second Age C   
#139 Norwood Riders Chevaucheurs de Norbois Portal Second Age C   
#140 Norwood Warrior Guerrière de Norbois Portal Second Age C   
#141 Plated Wurm Guivre à plaque Portal Second Age C   
#142 Razorclaw Bear Ours aux griffes rasoir Portal Second Age R22.00 €
#143 Renewing Touch Toucher de renouvellement Portal Second Age U0.50 €
#144 River Bear Ours des rivières Portal Second Age U   
#145 Salvage Sauvetage Portal Second Age C   
#146 Sylvan Basilisk Basilic sylvestre Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#147 Sylvan Yeti Yéti sylvestre Portal Second Age R0.50 €
#148 Tree Monkey Singe arboricole Portal Second Age C   
#149 Untamed Wilds Étendues sauvages Portal Second Age U   
#150 Wild Ox Buffle Portal Second Age U   
#163 Forest Forêt Portal Second Age C   
#154 Island Île Portal Second Age C   
#160 Mountain Montagne Portal Second Age C   
#151 Plains Plaine Portal Second Age C   
#157 Swamp Marais Portal Second Age C   

Nombre de cartes : 157

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