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Commander 2017

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#Nom VoNom VfEditionRaretéRachatVOVF
#1 Alms Collector Collecteur de charité Commander 2017 R1.00 € Augmentation
#2 Balan, Wandering Knight Balan, chevalière errante Commander 2017 R   
#57 Blind Obedience Obéissance aveugle Commander 2017 R1.00 € Augmentation
#58 Condemn Condamnation Commander 2017 U   
#3 Curse of Vitality Malédiction de vitalité Commander 2017 U   
#59 Divine Reckoning Jugement divin Commander 2017 R   
#60 Fell the Mighty Anéantir les puissants Commander 2017 R   
#4 Fortunate Few Rescapés Commander 2017 R   
#61 Jareth, Leonine Titan Jareth, Titan léonin Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#62 Jazal Goldmane Jazal Crinièredor Commander 2017 M   
#63 Kemba, Kha Regent Kemba, kha régente Commander 2017 R   
#5 Kindred Boon Faveur de congénères Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#64 Leonin Arbiter Arbitre léonin Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#65 Leonin Relic-Warder Garde-relique léonin Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#66 Leonin Shikari Shikari léonine Commander 2017 R2.50 € Augmentation
#67 Orator of Ojutai Orateur d'Ojutaï Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#68 Oreskos Explorer Exploratrice d'Oreskos Commander 2017 U   
#69 Raksha Golden Cub Raksha Lionceaudor Commander 2017 R   
#70 Return to Dust Rendre à la poussière Commander 2017 U   
#71 Rout Défaite Commander 2017 R0.30 €
#6 Scalelord Reckoner Seigneur squameux héliaste Commander 2017 R8.00 € Augmentation
#72 Seht's Tiger Tigre de Seht Commander 2017 R   
#73 Spirit of the Hearth Esprit du foyer Commander 2017 R   
#7 Stalking Leonin Léonine en chasse Commander 2017 R   
#74 Sunscorch Regent Régent flambesoleil Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#75 Sunspear Shikari Shikari lancesoleil Commander 2017 C   
#76 Swords to Plowshares Retour au pays Commander 2017 U1.00 €
#77 Taj-Nar Swordsmith Forgeur d'épées de Taj-Nar Commander 2017 U   
#8 Teferi's Protection Protection de Téfeiri Commander 2017 R16.00 € Augmentation
#78 White Sun's Zenith Zénith de Blancsoleil Commander 2017 R   
#79 Wing Shards Échardes d'ailes Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#80 Arcanis the Omnipotent Arcanis l'Omnipotent Commander 2017 R0.20 €
#81 Archaeomancer Archéomancienne Commander 2017 C   
#82 Azami, Lady of Scrolls Azami, dame des parchemins Commander 2017 R   
#83 Body Double Doublure Commander 2017 R   
#84 Clone Legion Légion de clones Commander 2017 M0.10 €
#9 Curse of Verbosity Malédiction de loquacité Commander 2017 U0.05 € Augmentation
#10 Galecaster Colossus Colosse lancebourrasque Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#85 Harbinger of the Tides Annonciateur des marées Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#86 Into The Roil En plein Roulis Commander 2017 C   
#11 Kindred Discovery Découverte de congénères Commander 2017 R5.00 € Augmentation
#12 Magus of the Mind Mage de l’esprit Commander 2017 R   
#87 Merchant of Secrets Marchand de secrets Commander 2017 C   
#88 Monastery Siege Siège du monastère Commander 2017 R0.75 € Augmentation
#89 Opportunity Occasion inespérée Commander 2017 U   
#90 Polymorphist's Jest Facétie du polymorphiste Commander 2017 R   
#13 Portal Mage Mage du portail Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#91 Reality Shift Bouleversement de réalité Commander 2017 U0.50 € Augmentation
#92 Sea Gate Oracle Oracle de Porte des Mers Commander 2017 C0.05 € Augmentation
#93 Serendib Sorcerer Sorcier de Serendib Commander 2017 R0.30 € Augmentation
#94 Spelltwine Entrelacs de sorts Commander 2017 R   
#95 Ambition's Cost Le prix de l'ambition Commander 2017 U   
#96 Anowon, the Ruin Sage Anowon, le sage des ruines Commander 2017 R0.75 € Augmentation
#97 Apprentice Necromancer Apprenti nécromancien Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#98 Black Market Marché noir Commander 2017 R3.00 € Augmentation
#99 Blood Artist Artiste de sang Commander 2017 U2.50 € Augmentation
#100 Blood Tribute Hommage de sang Commander 2017 R1.00 €
#101 Bloodhusk Ritualist Ritualiste coquesang Commander 2017 U   
#14 Bloodline Necromancer Nécromancien de la lignée Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#102 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth Seigneur de sang de Vaäsgoth Commander 2017 M0.50 €
#15 Boneyard Scourge Fléau de l'ossuaire Commander 2017 R3.50 € Augmentation
#103 Butcher of Malakir Boucher de Malakir Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#104 Captivating Vampire Vampire captivant Commander 2017 R6.00 €
#105 Consuming Vapors Vapeurs dévorantes Commander 2017 R   
#106 Corpse Augur Augure des cadavres Commander 2017 U   
#107 Crux of Fate Pivot du destin Commander 2017 R3.00 € Augmentation
#16 Curse of Disturbance Malédiction de perturbation Commander 2017 U0.02 € Augmentation
#108 Damnable Pact Pacte damné Commander 2017 R   
#109 Dark Impostor Obscur imposteur Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#110 Deathbringer Regent Régente portemort Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#111 Decree of Pain Décret de souffrance Commander 2017 R0.50 €
#112 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief Drana, chef de sang des Kalastria Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#113 Falkenrath Noble Noble Falkenrath Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#114 Go for the Throat Droit à la gorge Commander 2017 U0.50 €
#17 Kheru Mind-Eater Dévoreuse d’esprits de Kheru Commander 2017 R   
#18 Kindred Dominance Domination de congénères Commander 2017 R3.00 €
#115 Magus of the Abyss Mage de l'abysse Commander 2017 R   
#116 Malakir Bloodwitch Sorcière de sang de Malakir Commander 2017 R2.00 € Augmentation
#117 Necromantic Selection Sélection nécromantique Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#19 New Blood Sang neuf Commander 2017 R   
#118 Painful Truths Vérités douloureuses Commander 2017 R   
#119 Palace Siege Siège du palais Commander 2017 R0.30 € Augmentation
#20 Patron of the Vein Patron des veines Commander 2017 R2.50 €
#120 Pawn of Ulamog Pion d'Ulamog Commander 2017 U1.50 €
#121 Puppeteer Clique Clique des marionnettistes Commander 2017 R   
#122 Read the Bones Lire dans les os Commander 2017 C   
#123 Sangromancer Sangromancienne Commander 2017 R1.00 € Augmentation
#124 Sanguine Bond Lien sanguin Commander 2017 R2.50 € Augmentation
#125 Skeletal Scrying Regard du squelette Commander 2017 U   
#126 Skeletal Vampire Vampire squelette Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#127 Syphon Mind Siphonner l'esprit Commander 2017 C   
#128 Underworld Connections Connexions avec la pègre Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#129 Vampire Nighthawk Faucon de nuit vampire Commander 2017 U0.20 € Augmentation
#130 Vein Drinker Buveuse de veine Commander 2017 R   
#21 Vindictive Lich Liche vindicative Commander 2017 R   
#22 Bloodsworn Steward Intendante sangvasseur Commander 2017 R   
#131 Chaos Warp Distorsion chaotique Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#132 Comet Storm Orage de comètes Commander 2017 M0.10 € Augmentation
#23 Crimson Honor Guard Garde d’honneur pourpre Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#133 Crucible of Fire Creuset de feu Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#24 Curse of Opulence Malédiction d'opulence Commander 2017 U2.50 €
#25 Disrupt Decorum Bouleversement des convenances Commander 2017 R   
#134 Dragon Tempest Tempête draconique Commander 2017 R4.00 € Augmentation
#135 Dragonlord's Servant Servant du seigneur-dragon Commander 2017 U0.50 € Augmentation
#136 Dragonspeaker Shaman Shamane languedragon Commander 2017 U2.50 € Augmentation
#137 Earthquake Tremblement de terre Commander 2017 R   
#138 Hellkite Charger Batailleur escouflenfer Commander 2017 R   
#26 Izzet Chemister Chimiste d’Izzet Commander 2017 R   
#27 Kindred Charge Charge de congénères Commander 2017 R2.00 € Augmentation
#139 Outpost Siege Siège de l'avant-poste Commander 2017 R   
#140 Rakish Heir Héritier élancé Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#141 Ryusei, the Falling Star Ryusei, l'étoile descendante Commander 2017 M1.50 € Augmentation
#142 Scourge of Valkas Fléau de Valkas Commander 2017 M3.00 € Augmentation
#28 Shifting Shadow Ombre changeante Commander 2017 R   
#29 Territorial Hellkite Escouflenfer territorial Commander 2017 R0.50 €
#143 Tyrant's Familiar Familier du tyran Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#144 Utvara Hellkite Escouflenfer d'Utvara Commander 2017 M9.00 € Augmentation
#145 Abundance Abondance Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#146 Crushing Vines Vignes écrasantes Commander 2017 C   
#147 Cultivate Culture Commander 2017 C0.20 € Augmentation
#30 Curse of Bounty Malédiction de don Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#148 Elemental Bond Lien élémentaire Commander 2017 U1.00 € Augmentation
#149 Farseek Cherchauloin Commander 2017 C   
#150 Frontier Siege Siège de la frontière Commander 2017 R   
#151 Harmonize Harmonisation Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#31 Hungry Lynx Lynx affamé Commander 2017 R4.00 € Augmentation
#152 Hunter's Prowess Prouesse du chasseur Commander 2017 R   
#153 Jedit Ojanen of Efrava Jedit Ojanen d'Efrava Commander 2017 R   
#32 Kindred Summons Recrutement de congénères Commander 2017 R5.00 € Augmentation
#154 Kodama's Reach Portée du kodama Commander 2017 C0.75 € Augmentation
#155 Nissa's Pilgrimage Pèlerinage de Nissa Commander 2017 U0.20 € Augmentation
#33 Qasali Slingers Frondeurs qasali Commander 2017 R4.50 € Augmentation
#156 Rain of Thorns Pluie d'épines Commander 2017 U   
#157 Relic Crush Reliques écrasées Commander 2017 U   
#158 Soul's Majesty Majesté de l'âme Commander 2017 R0.30 € Augmentation
#159 Temur Sabertooth Smilodon temurien Commander 2017 U1.00 € Augmentation
#34 Traverse the Outlands Traversée des horizons Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#160 Zendikar Resurgent Résurgence de Zendikar Commander 2017 R3.00 € Augmentation
#35 Arahbo, Roar of the World Arahbo, Rugissement du monde Commander 2017 M4.00 € Augmentation
#161 Atarka, World Render Atarka, broyeuse du monde Commander 2017 R   
#162 Behemoth Sledge Frappe-devant béhémoth Commander 2017 U   
#163 Bladewing the Risen Ailelame le Ressuscité Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#164 Blood Baron of Vizkopa Hématobaron de Vizkopa Commander 2017 M0.30 €
#165 Broodmate Dragon Dragon frère de couvée Commander 2017 R   
#166 Cauldron Dance Danse du chaudron Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#167 Crackling Doom Fin crépitante Commander 2017 R   
#169 Crosis's Charm Charme de Crosis Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#168 Crosis, the Purger Crosis l'épurateur Commander 2017 R1.50 € Augmentation
#170 Dromoka, the Eternal Dromoka l'éternelle Commander 2017 R   
#36 Edgar Markov Edgar Markov Commander 2017 M90.00 € Augmentation
#171 Etherium-Horn Sorcerer Sorcier à cornes d'étherium Commander 2017 R   
#172 Fleecemane Lion Lion à crinière bouclée Commander 2017 R   
#37 Fractured Identity Identité fracturée Commander 2017 R2.50 € Augmentation
#173 Havengul Lich Liche de Havengul Commander 2017 M2.00 € Augmentation
#38 Inalla, Archmage Ritualist Inalla, archimage ritualiste Commander 2017 M0.75 € Augmentation
#174 Intet, the Dreamer Intet, le rêveur Commander 2017 R0.30 €
#175 Izzet Chronarch Chronarque d'Izzet Commander 2017 C   
#39 Kess, Dissident Mage Kess, mage insoumise Commander 2017 M1.00 € Augmentation
#176 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury Kolaghan, la Furie de l'orage Commander 2017 R0.20 € Augmentation
#40 Licia, Sanguine Tribune Licia, édile sanguine Commander 2017 M   
#41 Mairsil, the Pretender Mairsil, le prétendant Commander 2017 M   
#177 Marchesa, the Black Rose Marchesa, la Rose Noire Commander 2017 M   
#42 Mathas, Fiend Seeker Mathas, chercheur de fielleux Commander 2017 M1.00 € Augmentation
#179 Merciless Eviction Expulsion impitoyable Commander 2017 R   
#180 Mercurial Chemister Chimiste lunatique Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#181 Mirari's Wake Éveil du Mirari Commander 2017 M3.00 € Augmentation
#43 Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist Mirri, duelliste de l'Aquilon Commander 2017 M4.50 € Augmentation
#182 Mortify Mortification Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#44 Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith Nazahn, forgelame révéré Commander 2017 M   
#183 Nin, the Pain Artist Nin, l'artiste en souffrances Commander 2017 R0.30 € Augmentation
#184 Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius Niv-Mizzet, dracogénie Commander 2017 R2.00 € Augmentation
#185 Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Niv-Mizzet, le Cérébropyre Commander 2017 R0.75 € Augmentation
#186 Nivix Guildmage Ghildmage de Nivix Commander 2017 U   
#45 O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami O-Kagachi, kami vengeur Commander 2017 M   
#187 Ojutai, Soul of Winter Ojutaï, âme de l'hiver Commander 2017 R   
#188 Phantom Nishoba Nishoba fantomatique Commander 2017 R0.20 €
#189 Qasali Pridemage Bandemage qasali Commander 2017 C   
#190 Rakdos Charm Charme de Rakdos Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#191 Savage Ventmaw Ventegueule sauvage Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#192 Scion of the Ur-Dragon Scion de l'Ur-Dragon Commander 2017 R   
#193 Shadowmage Infiltrator Infiltrateur ombremage Commander 2017 R0.30 € Augmentation
#195 Silumgar's Command Commandement de Silumgar Commander 2017 R   
#194 Silumgar, the Drifting Death Silumgar, la mort drossante Commander 2017 R   
#196 Spellbound Dragon Dragon ensorcelé Commander 2017 R0.10 € Augmentation
#197 Stromkirk Captain Capitaine de Stromkirk Commander 2017 U0.30 €
#46 Taigam, Ojutai Master Taigam, maître d’Ojutaï Commander 2017 R   
#47 Taigam, Sidisi's Hand Taigam, bras droit de Sidisi Commander 2017 R   
#198 Teneb, the Harvester Teneb, le moissonneur Commander 2017 R0.30 €
#199 Terminate Terminaison Commander 2017 U1.00 € Augmentation
#48 The Ur-Dragon L'Ur-Dragon Commander 2017 M23.00 € Augmentation
#200 Tithe Drinker Buveuse de dîme Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#201 Vela the Night-Clad Vela à la Robe de nuit Commander 2017 M   
#49 Wasitora, Nekoru Queen Wasitora, reine des nekoru Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#233 Akoum Refuge Refuge d'Akoum Commander 2017 U0.05 €
#234 Arcane Sanctum Sanctuaire ésotérique Commander 2017 U0.30 € Augmentation
#235 Blighted Woodland Sylves gangrenées Commander 2017 U   
#236 Bloodfell Caves Cavernes du Sacrifice Commander 2017 C   
#237 Blossoming Sands Sables verdoyants Commander 2017 C   
#238 Bojuka Bog Marécage de Bojuka Commander 2017 C0.75 € Augmentation
#239 Boros Garrison Garnison de Boros Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#240 Boros Guildgate Porte de la guilde de Boros Commander 2017 C   
#241 Cinder Barrens Landes de cendres Commander 2017 U   
#242 Command Tower Tour de commandement Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#243 Crucible of the Spirit Dragon Creuset du dragon-esprit Commander 2017 R   
#244 Crumbling Necropolis Nécropole croulante Commander 2017 U0.20 € Augmentation
#245 Dimir Aqueduct Aqueduc de Dimir Commander 2017 U0.15 € Nouveauté
#246 Dismal Backwater Marigot lugubre Commander 2017 C   
#247 Elfhame Palace Palais terrelfe Commander 2017 U   
#248 Evolving Wilds Étendues sauvages en évolution Commander 2017 C   
#249 Exotic Orchard Verger exotique Commander 2017 R   
#307 Forest Forêt Commander 2017 C   
#308 Forest Forêt Commander 2017 C   
#309 Forest Forêt Commander 2017 C   
#250 Forsaken Sanctuary Sanctuaire abandonné Commander 2017 U   
#251 Frontier Bivouac Bivouac de frontière Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#252 Grasslands Herbages Commander 2017 U   
#253 Graypelt Refuge Refuge de Grisepeau Commander 2017 U   
#254 Grixis Panorama Panorama de Grixis Commander 2017 C   
#255 Haven of the Spirit Dragon Havre du dragon-esprit Commander 2017 R2.00 € Augmentation
#300 Island Île Commander 2017 C   
#299 Island Île Commander 2017 C   
#298 Island Île Commander 2017 C   
#256 Izzet Boilerworks Chaufferie d'Izzet Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#257 Jungle Shrine Reliquaire de la jungle Commander 2017 U0.15 € Nouveauté
#258 Jwar Isle Refuge Refuge de l'île de Jwar Commander 2017 U   
#259 Kabira Crossroads Croisée de Kabira Commander 2017 C   
#260 Krosan Verge Orée de la Krosia Commander 2017 U   
#261 Mosswort Bridge Pont de fangemousse Commander 2017 R0.20 € Augmentation
#306 Mountain Montagne Commander 2017 C   
#305 Mountain Montagne Commander 2017 C   
#304 Mountain Montagne Commander 2017 C   
#262 Myriad Landscape Paysage myriadaire Commander 2017 U   
#263 Mystic Monastery Monastère mystique Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#264 Mystifying Maze Labyrinthe mystificateur Commander 2017 R   
#265 Nomad Outpost Avant-poste nomade Commander 2017 U0.20 €
#266 Opal Palace Palais d'opale Commander 2017 C   
#267 Opulent Palace Palais opulent Commander 2017 U0.30 € Augmentation
#268 Orzhov Basilica Basilique d'Orzhov Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#269 Orzhov Guildgate Porte de la guilde d'Orzhov Commander 2017 C   
#56 Path of Ancestry Voie de l'Ascendance Commander 2017 C   
#297 Plains Plaine Commander 2017 C   
#295 Plains Plaine Commander 2017 C   
#296 Plains Plaine Commander 2017 C   
#270 Rakdos Carnarium Carnarium de Rakdos Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#271 Rakdos Guildgate Porte de la guilde de Rakdos Commander 2017 C   
#272 Rogue's Passage Passage des malandrins Commander 2017 U   
#273 Saltcrusted Steppe Steppes de sel Commander 2017 U0.05 €
#274 Sandsteppe Citadel Citadelle de la steppe de sable Commander 2017 U0.30 € Augmentation
#275 Savage Lands Terres sauvages Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#276 Scoured Barrens Landes érodées Commander 2017 C   
#277 Seaside Citadel Citadelle maritime Commander 2017 U0.20 €
#278 Secluded Steppe Steppes retirées Commander 2017 C   
#279 Selesnya Guildgate Porte de la guilde de Selesnya Commander 2017 C   
#280 Selesnya Sanctuary Sanctuaire de Selesnya Commander 2017 C0.05 € Augmentation
#281 Stirring Wildwood Bois sauvage en éveil Commander 2017 R   
#282 Stone Quarry Carrière de pierre Commander 2017 U   
#302 Swamp Marais Commander 2017 C   
#301 Swamp Marais Commander 2017 C   
#303 Swamp Marais Commander 2017 C   
#283 Swiftwater Cliffs Falaises des eaux vives Commander 2017 C   
#284 Temple of the False God Temple de la fausse divinité Commander 2017 U0.05 € Augmentation
#285 Terramorphic Expanse Immensité terramorphe Commander 2017 C   
#286 Tranquil Expanse Immensité tranquille Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#287 Tranquil Thicket Halliers tranquilles Commander 2017 C0.10 € Augmentation
#288 Urborg Volcano Volcan d'Urborg Commander 2017 U   
#289 Vivid Crag Cordillère éclatante Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#290 Vivid Creek Ruisseau éclatant Commander 2017 U0.20 € Augmentation
#291 Vivid Grove Bosquet éclatant Commander 2017 U0.20 € Augmentation
#292 Vivid Marsh Marécage éclatant Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#293 Vivid Meadow Prairie éclatante Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#294 Wind-Scarred Crag Cordillère marquée par les vents Commander 2017 C   
#202 Argentum Armor Armure d'Argentum Commander 2017 R0.50 €
#203 Armillary Sphere Sphère armillaire Commander 2017 C0.05 € Augmentation
#204 Blade of the Bloodchief Lame du chef de sang Commander 2017 R1.50 €
#50 Bloodforged Battle-Axe Hache de bataille forgée dans le sang Commander 2017 R2.50 €
#205 Boros Signet Cachet de Boros Commander 2017 U0.25 € Augmentation
#206 Commander's Sphere Sphère du commandant Commander 2017 C   
#207 Darksteel Ingot Lingot de sombracier Commander 2017 U   
#208 Door of Destinies Porte des Destinées Commander 2017 R7.00 € Augmentation
#209 Dreamstone Hedron Hèdron pierre de rêve Commander 2017 U   
#210 Fellwar Stone Pierre de Guermont Commander 2017 U   
#211 Fist of Suns Poigne des soleils Commander 2017 R1.50 €
#212 Grappling Hook Grappin Commander 2017 R   
#51 Hammer of Nazahn Marteau de Nazahn Commander 2017 R5.00 €
#213 Hedron Archive Archive hèdron Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#52 Heirloom Blade Lame d'héritage Commander 2017 U0.10 €
#53 Herald's Horn Cor du héraut Commander 2017 R6.50 € Augmentation
#214 Hero's Blade Lame du héros Commander 2017 U   
#215 Lightning Greaves Jambières d'éclair Commander 2017 U3.50 € Augmentation
#216 Loxodon Warhammer Marteau de guerre loxodon Commander 2017 U0.75 € Augmentation
#54 Mirror of the Forebears Miroir des ancêtres Commander 2017 U0.30 € Augmentation
#217 Nevinyrral's Disk Disque de Nevinyrral Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#218 Nihil Spellbomb Bombe à sortilèges d'annihilation Commander 2017 C0.50 € Augmentation
#219 Orzhov Signet Cachet d'Orzhov Commander 2017 U   
#220 Quietus Spike Pointe de quiétude Commander 2017 R0.75 €
#221 Rakdos Signet Cachet de Rakdos Commander 2017 U0.10 € Augmentation
#55 Ramos, Dragon Engine Ramos, dragon-machine Commander 2017 M2.50 €
#222 Skullclamp Pincecrâne Commander 2017 U4.50 € Augmentation
#223 Sol Ring Anneau solaire Commander 2017 U1.00 € Augmentation
#224 Staff of Nin Bâton de Nin Commander 2017 R3.00 € Augmentation
#225 Steel Hellkite Escouflenfer d'acier Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#226 Swiftfoot Boots Bottes de piedagile Commander 2017 U   
#227 Sword of the Animist Épée de l'animiste Commander 2017 R6.00 € Augmentation
#228 Sword of Vengeance Épée de la vengeance Commander 2017 R0.50 € Augmentation
#229 Unstable Obelisk Obélisque instable Commander 2017 U   
#230 Wayfarer's Bauble Babiole du voyageur Commander 2017 C   
#231 Well of Lost Dreams Puits des songes perdus Commander 2017 R0.10 €
#232 Worn Powerstone Lithoforce usée Commander 2017 U0.60 € Augmentation
#178 Memory Plunder Saccagement de mémoire Commander 2017 R1.00 € Augmentation

Nombre de cartes : 309

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