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Merfolk vs. Goblins

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Magic The Gathering :

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#Nom VoNom VfEditionRaretéRachatVOVF
#2 Aquitect's Will Volonté de l'aquitecte Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#3 Claustrophobia Claustrophobie Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#4 Concentrate Concentration Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#5 Engulf the Shore Engloutissement du littoral Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#6 Essence Scatter Dispersion d'essence Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#7 Harbinger of the Tides Annonciateur des marées Merfolk vs. Goblins R1.50 € Augmentation
#8 Inkfathom Divers Plongeurs d'Encrebrasse Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#9 Master of the Pearl Trident Maître du Trident de perles Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#1 Master of Waves Maître des vagues Merfolk vs. Goblins M   
#10 Merfolk Looter Détrousseur ondin Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#11 Merfolk Sovereign Souveraine ondine Merfolk vs. Goblins R0.50 €
#12 Merfolk Wayfinder Guidevoie ondine Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#13 Merrow Reejerey Reejerey suire Merfolk vs. Goblins U0.10 €
#14 Mind Spring Source spirituelle Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#15 Misdirection Erreur de visée Merfolk vs. Goblins R0.10 €
#16 Rootwater Hunter Chasseur de Souchemer Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#17 Scroll Thief Voleur de parchemin Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#18 Streambed Aquitects Aquitectes du lit de rivière Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#19 Tidal Courier Messager des marées Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#20 Tidal Warrior Guerrier de la marée Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#21 Tidal Wave Raz de marée Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#22 Tidebinder Mage Mage ferre-marée Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#23 Triton Tactics Tactiques tritonnes Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#24 Wake Thrasher Rudoyeur des sillages Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#33 Battle Squadron Escadre de bataille Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#34 Boggart Brute Brute boggarte Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#35 Brute Strength Force brutale Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#36 Cleaver Riot Émeute au hachoir Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#37 Ember Hauler Transporteur de braises Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#38 Foundry Street Denizen Habitant de la rue de la Fonderie Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#39 Gempalm Incinerator Incinérateur gemmepaume Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#40 Ghostfire Ectofeu Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#41 Goblin Chieftain Chef de clan gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins R3.00 € Augmentation
#42 Goblin Diplomats Diplomates gobelins Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#43 Goblin Glory Chaser Gobelin chasse-gloire Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#44 Goblin Goon Sbire gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins R0.75 € Augmentation
#45 Goblin Grenade Grenade gobeline Merfolk vs. Goblins U0.80 €
#46 Goblin Rabblemaster Maître plébéien gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins R2.50 €
#47 Goblin Razerunners Rapineurs gobelins Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#48 Goblin Ringleader Meneur gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#49 Goblin Tunneler Tunnelier gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#50 Goblin Wardriver Trublion de guerre gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins U0.30 €
#51 Hordeling Outburst Surgissement de hordelins Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#53 Krenko's Command Commandement de Krenko Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#52 Krenko, Mob Boss Krenko le caïd Merfolk vs. Goblins R1.50 € Augmentation
#54 Relentless Assault Assaut implacable Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#55 Tarfire Feu de goudron Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#32 Warren Instigator Instigateur de terrier Merfolk vs. Goblins M   
#26 Blighted Cataract Cataracte gangrenée Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#58 Blighted Gorge Gorge gangrénée Merfolk vs. Goblins U   
#59 Forgotten Cave Caverne oubliée Merfolk vs. Goblins C0.05 €
#31 Island Île Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#30 Island Île Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#29 Island île Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#28 Island Île Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#27 Lonely Sandbar Banc de sable isolé Merfolk vs. Goblins C0.05 €
#61 Mountain Montagne Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#62 Mountain Montagne Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#63 Mountain Montagne Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#60 Mountain Montagne Merfolk vs. Goblins C   
#56 Brittle Effigy Effigie fragile Merfolk vs. Goblins R   
#57 Goblin Charbelcher Rotefeu gobelin Merfolk vs. Goblins R0.30 €
#25 Cold-Eyed Selkie Selkie aux yeux glacés Merfolk vs. Goblins R   

Nombre de cartes : 63

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