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Strixhaven Mystical Archive

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#Nom VoNom VfEditionRaretéRachatVOVF
#1 Approach of the Second Sun Approche du Second Soleil Strixhaven Mystical ... M3.50 € Augmentation
#2 Day of Judgment Jour de condamnation Strixhaven Mystical ... M2.50 € Augmentation
#3 Defiant Strike Frappe provocatrice Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#4 Divine Gambit Pari divin Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#5 Ephemerate Éphémérer Strixhaven Mystical ... R3.00 € Augmentation
#6 Gift of Estates Don de domaines Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.50 € Augmentation
#7 Gods Willing À la grâce des dieux Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.00 € Augmentation
#8 Mana Tithe Dîme de mana Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.30 € Augmentation
#9 Revitalize Revitaliser Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#10 Swords to Plowshares Retour au pays Strixhaven Mystical ... R3.00 € Augmentation
#11 Teferi's Protection Protection de Téfeiri Strixhaven Mystical ... M19.00 € Augmentation
#12 Blue Sun's Zenith Zénith de Bleusoleil Strixhaven Mystical ... M4.00 € Augmentation
#13 Brainstorm Remue-méninges Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.50 € Augmentation
#14 Compulsive Research Recherche compulsive Strixhaven Mystical ... R   
#15 Counterspell Contresort Strixhaven Mystical ... R3.50 € Augmentation
#16 Memory Lapse Trou de mémoire Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.00 € Augmentation
#17 Mind's Desire À mon seul désir Strixhaven Mystical ... M1.00 € Augmentation
#18 Negate Négation Strixhaven Mystical ... U0.10 € Augmentation
#19 Opt Option Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#20 Strategic Planning Planification stratégique Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#21 Tezzeret's Gambit Pari de Tezzeret Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.20 € Augmentation
#22 Time Warp Distorsion temporelle Strixhaven Mystical ... M12.50 € Augmentation
#23 Whirlwind Denial Déni tourbillonnant Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#24 Agonizing Remorse Affres du remords Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#25 Crux of Fate Pivot du destin Strixhaven Mystical ... M4.50 € Augmentation
#26 Dark Ritual Messe noire Strixhaven Mystical ... R4.00 € Augmentation
#27 Demonic Tutor Précepteur diabolique Strixhaven Mystical ... M25.00 € Augmentation
#28 Doom Blade Lame du destin Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.75 € Augmentation
#29 Duress Contrainte Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#30 Eliminate Éliminer Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#31 Inquisition of Kozilek Inquisition de Kozilek Strixhaven Mystical ... R   
#32 Sign in Blood Signature de sang Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.00 € Augmentation
#33 Tainted Pact Pacte souillé Strixhaven Mystical ... M10.00 € Augmentation
#34 Tendrils of Agony Vrilles d'angoisse Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.30 € Augmentation
#35 Village Rites Rites du village Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#36 Chaos Warp Distorsion chaotique Strixhaven Mystical ... M3.50 € Augmentation
#37 Claim the Firstborn Droit au premier né Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#38 Faithless Looting Pillage sans foi Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.50 € Augmentation
#39 Grapeshot Mitraille Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.30 € Augmentation
#40 Increasing Vengeance Vengeance grandissante Strixhaven Mystical ... M2.00 € Augmentation
#41 Infuriate Exacerbation Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#42 Lightning Bolt Foudre Strixhaven Mystical ... R3.50 € Augmentation
#43 Mizzix's Mastery Maîtrise de Mizzix Strixhaven Mystical ... M7.50 € Augmentation
#44 Shock Choc Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#45 Stone Rain Pluie de pierres Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.10 € Augmentation
#46 Thrill of Possibility Frisson de probabilité Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#47 Urza's Rage Rage selon Urza Strixhaven Mystical ... R   
#48 Abundant Harvest Récolte abondante Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.10 € Augmentation
#49 Adventurous Impulse Impulsion audacieuse Strixhaven Mystical ... R   
#50 Channel Transfert Strixhaven Mystical ... M   
#51 Cultivate Culture Strixhaven Mystical ... U0.10 € Augmentation
#52 Harmonize Harmonisation Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.10 € Augmentation
#53 Krosan Grip Poigne krosiane Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.10 €
#54 Natural Order Ordre naturel Strixhaven Mystical ... M9.00 € Augmentation
#55 Primal Command Commandement primordial Strixhaven Mystical ... M3.50 € Augmentation
#56 Regrowth Réapparition Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.30 € Augmentation
#57 Snakeskin Veil Voile en peau de serpent Strixhaven Mystical ... U   
#58 Weather the Storm Résister à la tempête Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.20 € Augmentation
#59 Despark Suppression d'étincelle Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.20 € Augmentation
#60 Electrolyze Électrolyse Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.30 € Augmentation
#61 Growth Spiral Spirale de croissance Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.50 € Augmentation
#62 Lightning Helix Hélice d'éclairs Strixhaven Mystical ... R1.00 € Augmentation
#63 Putrefy Putréfier Strixhaven Mystical ... R0.50 € Augmentation

Nombre de cartes : 63

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